Yet more low class greens who cannot stand different voice

I don’t get it. So old ROC patroits are an embarrassment. Talk about the worst part Western culture, lack of respect for the elderly.

I hope Comrade Stalin doesn’t choose to grow old in the West. He might be considered a burden by his relative and placed in a home to die out of sight.

And what’s wrong with the National Assembly. The Greens had to revive the whole thing again last year to move forward LY seat reduction plan.

You don’t see ROC patriots expounding “What a disgrace to the ROC to have these pan-Green traitors who never even been to the mainland in the National Assembly.” That’s the kind of respect for the institution pan-Green on the whole lack in Taiwan.

There is still debate about whether LTH was CCK’s “pick,” but it didn’t really matter. The legalization of party politics and media liberalization that CCK set in motion meant political change would come from below sooner or later. The only way it could have been stopped, maybe, was through a TAM style crackdown.

But back on topic. Most greens you get today did not “fight,” in any sense of the word, for their rights. Ever. Neither did most blues. They are equal in my book. Things happened and they got their rights and that was it. So there is no reason to believe green supporters are any more “democratically minded” than their blue counterparts.

Today’s Taiwan blue-green politics is purely based on ethno-tribal division, money interests, and urban-rural divide. And it just so happens that the rural and Hoklo-dense south attracts a lot of green supporters. Even the strait issue is largely ethnic politics in disguise. There is no way the deep greens have any genuine notion of mainland Chinese or PRC, except by referencing them back to WSR and the old KMT dictatorship.

Even if LTH was USA pick to succeed CCK, there was still respect of the institution from the KMT. All high ranking KMT member knew of LTH background…first communist member on Taiwan, #1 Japanese student on Taiwan, etc. But that wasn’t made public knowledge until LTH turned on the institution.

I’m not saying that the ROC is an unchanging place, but just saddens me that the interpretation of “freedom” on Taiwan is borderline “anarchy.”

There is almost no concept of civility and culture for these high-ranking office holders on Taiwan now. It’s like the country is being governed by a bunch of pig farmers and bing lang chewer with just a thin veneer of education.

It like a vicious cycle “I behave like this because look how the politicians behave,” “Hey look at way my constituent behave, I should do that while in office”

Most of Taiwan is just not very enlightened. Rights can be bestowed quickly on people, but their upbringing isn’t going to be changed for generations.

Might have been someone on this forum who mentioned that most Taiwanese have a rural family background themselves or within as little as one generation. There is one party that specifically appeals to that background. Guess which. Well then it’s no surprise that their supporters are allowed, even encouraged, to act like pig farmers and binglang chewers – they pride themselves for acting “localized” or acting 台. :loco:

There is a coloquial American term I once heard
“Gettin’ above your rai’sin”
Which reminded me of the Chinese term

It used to to peer preasure individuals not to climb the social economic ladder, especially in rural areas where face is an important issue.

But even if I acknowledge that this exist in world where children are frowned upon for bettering themselve above their parents. What’s going on in Taiwan politics is taking that trend to the extreme. It is almost like the expectation of elected politicians and their appointees are dropping by the minute.

Let’s take the worst part of rural Taiwanese culture and display it proudly for the world to see. I’m just waiting for the Foriegn minister to wear sandals, say LP and snot in one breath, then spit out some red juice.

Yeah most Taiwanese are not very enlightented, and they’re going to have poor upbringings for generations. Lets like deal with them for the scoundrels they are! Quick, besides racism, maybe we can also go for more stereotypes, bigotry, and other attitudes that show how low all these Taiwanese people are! :unamused:

Yeah, like you said, in a previous post, in this thread, All Low Class Pan Greens should be dealt with. They’re now all pig farmers and binland chewers. What more generalizations can we make before the end of the day? Come on, lets push it. Lets make Forumosa into a total trash talk forum, because at the end of the day, when you can’t argue with intellect, us Pan Blues resort to trashing with personal issues.

NEVERMIND that it was said that respecting elders was of major importance. Apparently Old Grandparents, whom are Binlang Chewing Pig Farmer Pan Greens are an exception! :unamused:

You doth protest too much. I never suggested having them “dealt with.” You did.

No. I suggested that green political leaders condone and encourage certain behaviors. Surely you can see the difference.

This is personal? Are you or your immediate family pig farmers and binlang chewers? lol

They are? I thought old grandparents were all Japanese-speaking “native elites” so awesomely sophisticated for the KMT that the mainland beggars had to suppress said grandparents out of envy. This according to TI propaganda. So which is it?