Yikes! more cringe worthy propaganda

@Hanna we need another translation. Haha

I couldn’t get through the first few minutes without wanting to smash my computer screen. I can’t believe this video is serious. When it got to the part about the guy blaming his school for him having a homosexual experience which he later regretted, I lost it. :rofl:

This is a long one and somewhat more complicated than the first. I’ll give it a whirl, but I’ll be at it for a little while.

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It has been 12 years since the passing of the Sex Equality Education Act. The act was basically smuggled through the legislature.

On the surface it’s about respect and equality, but in reality it is smuggling gay culture into the classrooms

Title card: 性別教育教材震動議會
The content of Sex Education materials shocked city council

This is taken from the textbook of the grade 8 junior high school breadth class.

It teaches that biologically people are born male or female.

This is contrary to our common sense. (Here referring to people being born man or woman instead of male or female. In Mandarin, male or female usually refers to the sex of animals instead of people.)

Sir, are you male or female?

我… 我很明顯是公的
I, it’s pretty obvious that I am male.

Male. You, head of civil affairs bureau, according to this curriculum, are we all male? And deputy mayor Lin is female? Am I right? Do we need to change National ID card? Do we need to change what we put in the sex column? Do we?

We define it as man and woman.

So what you are saying contradicts the curriculum. You are discriminating.

Title card: 性別光譜教你的小孩「人」不是100%的男生/女生
Sexual orientation spectrum teaches your kids that men and women don’t make up 100% of the people.

The spectrum even goes into finer divisions. A male can be 70% male, and 30% female. So in the future, should we write 70% male/30% female on the national id card? Right? if we do thing according to this spectrum?

Title card: 同志文化首先去男女性別名稱,再灌輸「性傾向=性別」的謬論。更在每學期四小時的性別平等教育課程,安排同志進校教導同志教育。這些同志都是性教育的合格師資嗎?
Gay culture first removes the words man and woman, then force feeds the fallacy that “sexual orientation = sex”. In addition, in the 4 hours of sex equality education per semester, they arranged gays to come to the classrooms to teach gay education. Are these gays qualified teachers to teach sexual education?

That’s at the 1:30 mark. It is pretty depressing to translate this garbage, and listen to the Fox news-ish sound track.


Oh I’m glad I’m not the only one doing this. That first minute and a half is hard for me to understand, especially because I’m not really getting the argument to begin with. I just got through the part in the classroom, which is basically just normal sex ed, if a bit crass:

Screen overlay: Sexual behavior = part of your gender expression?
Pixelated teacher: So earlier as we were discussing gender, we talked about how there are many kinds. Sexual expression can also be part of your gender expression. Some people are very open and will try anything.

Screen overlay: Teaching about sex between men
Other pixelated teacher: When it comes to gay men, you could be a 1(top), 0(bottom), or either(vers, though I’ve also heard you can describe yourself as “0.5” lol). 1 and 0 describes which role you take during the sex act, just like the numbers 1 and 0.
Screen overlay: This gesture!?

Screen overlay: Teaching about sex between women
Pixelated teacher: Sex between women isn’t all about insertive acts. If you do engage in insertive activity, most women will use fingers or sex toys.

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Oh my god I don’t think I can go on with this kid talking about how he was “forced” to do gay stuff due to his gay education.

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I’m confused by this? Are they trying to quantify the percentage of how the gender spectrum works? I don’t understand the argument or what they are trying to say here?

That’s the best part LOL.

I had a lot of trouble understanding the argument too which contributed to my difficulty translating. The mental gymnastics here…

This is what I got for this:

Screen overlay: The gender spectrum teaches children that people are not 100% male or 100% female.

City rep: Now, according to this spectrum here, you could be 70% male and 30% female. So in the future, are you going to have to put 70% male and 30% female on your national ID? Right? Because according to this spectrum, that’s how it is!


I don’t even know what to say about this.

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Every time I watch these city meetings and some bozo is talkin’ real loud but makin’ no sense I just think of this

Do they teach this in Taiwan?

I received exactly one year of Taiwanese education and sex ed happened to be a part of it. But this was a long time ago before people started throwing fits about gender, so it simply wasn’t mentioned.

My sex ed experience in Taiwanese grade school actually turned out to be exactly like that episode of the Simpsons where they watched a really old-ass video from the seventies that ended up being wildly inappropriate.

All I remember is seeing a bunch of drawings of a variety of penises and this incredible animated frame where all of the different little penises became erect simultaneously. The rest was just an oddly colored fever dream…

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The gender aspect of things makes it messy.

Teaching kids there’s nothing wrong with being gay is cool :sunglasses:, but when you throw in telling them that they exist on some gender spectrum between male and female, idk… how does that work to make homophobia a thing of the past?


I don’t trust most educators to teach gender properly. It’s confusing enough for adults, never mind kids. If they have questions they can ask.

I think it’s worth making the distinction between sex and gender in the classroom, though. And mentioning/normalizing intersex people. There are a lot more intersex people around than we realize.

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I agree. Are we not giving in to what the propaganda video is telling us tho? LOL

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True! But I think that’s an opinion we already held…and we’re not buying the real purpose of the propaganda video.

You just can’t teach kids to be gay any more than you could teach them to be straight. Besides that, some sexual experimentation is normal. Honestly I feel pretty sorry for that dumbass dude who can’t come to terms with the fact that he’s done some homo stuff of his own volition.


So maybe we should keep teaching about this kinda stuff out of the schools? I just asked my Taiwanese sister-in-law and her friends and they all seemed to say “I don’t want some dumb nerd girl Taiwanese teacher telling my kids about gay things, that should be left to the parents”

I almost agree with this. I mean, in America you can sign a form that says “I don’t want my kid getting any sex ed whatsoever” citing religious or other reasons, and when it comes time for sex ed they just get sent out of the room. I wonder if they have that option here.

edit: well, in my state in America. Not sure about the rest.

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I remember looking at the few kids who’s parents opted them out and they were always the creepy weirdo kids. In my school anyways.

I wouldn’t want my kids to feel like social pariahs because some Taiwanese teacher wants them to fill out what percentage male/female they are on some gender test.