Y'know it isn't funny to make fun of ICRT

[color=red]Hey! If someone wants to put together a protest…I’ll show up (ok ok ok…I’ll also help organize and help write the comedy for), but I’m only doing this to promote/get an open mic for comedy started up at Bliss. (starts Thurs. Aug 31 at 10 pm)[/color]

[Help me I've been hypnotized!

我也要歡迎你們臺灣人來參加(或只看) ICTIT 說笑話的開放麥克風…

其實希望有一個(多)台灣人敢來給我們聽笑話…maybe you could try “Take my 太太…PLEASE!”

地址: BLISS 台北信義路4段148號 (blisstaipei.com)
電話: (02) 2702-1855
時間: 8月31日2006年 (22:00)
