Yoga and Boxing in Muzha/Brown Line Area?

I’m new here and looking to start practicing yoga as well as continue with my boxing as I did back home.

I’ve looked thourhg this site and found old posts from people wanting to do yoga, but no real places to go to do it. I’ve seen the one English Yoga school, but I am looking for somewhere preferably to practice where I can pay by the class as I am not sure what my schedule is going to be like. I’d prefer hot yoga if there are places with that around here.

Also, I’m looking for a gym with basic boxing set up. Even if it was just a heavybag and speedbag. It’s been over a month since I have boxed and miss my classes back home.

Any info would help. I’m in Muzha right near the WanFang Starbucks (and MRT) and am still finding my way around, so any info would be a big help.

Just off the ChungHsiao Fuxing MRT, on the brown line. Exit 1.

A five-minute walk from the last stop on the brown line (northbound).

Call both for clear directions.


Thanks Sean (you could have told me this weekend though… I’m the weekend muscle Grandma Nitty’s)

I’ve checked out that yoga site, but he only seems to charge by the month. I would like to find somewhere I could pay by the class, maybe check a few out places and teachers if possible and see which ones I like.

If there is anyone out there who teaches as well, let me know. I really want to learn and work out some of the kinks and injuries I have from a few years of very physical labour before coming here.