Yoga Centers in Taipei

Does any one know anything about any of the yoga centers around Taipei? True Yoga, Pure Yoga, Chiou Su Jen Yoga, Space Yoga? What about prices for membership?

Thanks a lot !

Oh no, not another yoga thread :cry:

Before I posted, I did a search but did not find what I was looking for. I am looking for people who have actually taken classes at these places and what their experiences are. Class sizes? Quality of teachers? Classes in English? Teachers from India? Prices? Monthly? Yearly? Any membership fees above the yearly price?

Perhaps I overlooked this information when I posted this morning as I did not read them all. Apologizes. I found websites for
SwamiSalami Yoga. No thanks!!
Ananda yoga Not a first choice
Chiou Shu Jen Yoga in Fushing across from Breeze? or in Gung Guan?

I have gone a search and went back until Jan 2004. The results include a complaint about service, lists (including a “useless list”), or talks about someone’s teacher,doing it from a book and discussing whether the price is too high. The Yoga for Injuries thread also does not have specifics about any of the yoga centers. None of this is relevant to the initial post. So if any one has SPECIFIC information about their experiences at any of the yoga centers, that would be appreciated.

So it seems that this is a different from what is already posted. :slight_smile: