Tonight after i’d finished teaching, this little dog walked into my school. At first i thought someone was walking thier dog and it had wondered into our school. I went to pick it up to go find the owner when i realized it had been on the street for a very long time.
yorkshire terrier
over 9 years old (very few teeth left)
Not much fur left
long nails
and has obviously had many litters (puppies)
very quiet and well behaved
I believe this dog has been used for breeding and then been thrown away like a used car when she couldn’t breed any more.
I have taken her to my local pet store who don’t sell any animals and have helped adopt countless dogs and cats. As soon as she was put in the cage she laid down and looked at me, obviously used to being in a cage and when we put food and water in she wolfed it down, so she hadn’t eaten for quiet a long time too. The pet store will shave the rest of her fur off, give her a treatment bath and cut her nails.
She will stay at the pet store for a few days to see if anyone is interested in adopting her. Then Sean has been kind enough to say he will take her to our vet and get her De-sexed (although she might be too old) and get her vaccinations (also check for an ID chip, but i’m guessing she won’t have one).
I am hoping to find her a home. I would take her but i have 5 dogs and a cat already and my landlord has told me that no more pets would be welcome. I think they have been very tolernt up to now.
If you are interested in this lovely little (old) girl please PM me. I think she would be perfect for an inactive family. If you have a Chinese girlfriend or boyfriend whose parents or grandparents are dog lovers and might be interested in adopting her please ask and let me know if there is any interest.
If they would prefer to wait until her fur has grown back, i can pay for her to stay at the pet store until she is in better condition.
I will post (well i’ll ask someone to post) pictures of her tomorrow after her clean up.
Please spread the word. I’m going away in less than two weeks and really want to find her a home. She seems to have had a very bad life up to now and i’d like to find someone who would give her a happy ending to her life.
:help: :help:
Any help with this is much appreciated.