Yorkshire terrier NEEDS A HOME

Tonight after i’d finished teaching, this little dog walked into my school. At first i thought someone was walking thier dog and it had wondered into our school. I went to pick it up to go find the owner when i realized it had been on the street for a very long time.


yorkshire terrier
over 9 years old (very few teeth left)
Not much fur left
long nails
and has obviously had many litters (puppies)
very quiet and well behaved

I believe this dog has been used for breeding and then been thrown away like a used car when she couldn’t breed any more.

I have taken her to my local pet store who don’t sell any animals and have helped adopt countless dogs and cats. As soon as she was put in the cage she laid down and looked at me, obviously used to being in a cage and when we put food and water in she wolfed it down, so she hadn’t eaten for quiet a long time too. The pet store will shave the rest of her fur off, give her a treatment bath and cut her nails.

She will stay at the pet store for a few days to see if anyone is interested in adopting her. Then Sean has been kind enough to say he will take her to our vet and get her De-sexed (although she might be too old) and get her vaccinations (also check for an ID chip, but i’m guessing she won’t have one).

I am hoping to find her a home. I would take her but i have 5 dogs and a cat already and my landlord has told me that no more pets would be welcome. I think they have been very tolernt up to now.

If you are interested in this lovely little (old) girl please PM me. I think she would be perfect for an inactive family. If you have a Chinese girlfriend or boyfriend whose parents or grandparents are dog lovers and might be interested in adopting her please ask and let me know if there is any interest.

If they would prefer to wait until her fur has grown back, i can pay for her to stay at the pet store until she is in better condition.

I will post (well i’ll ask someone to post) pictures of her tomorrow after her clean up.

Please spread the word. I’m going away in less than two weeks and really want to find her a home. She seems to have had a very bad life up to now and i’d like to find someone who would give her a happy ending to her life.
:help: :help:

Any help with this is much appreciated.

Sick fucks. You just described Snowball, the last lab we rescued. The gentlest, sweetest old lady you could meet. Used and dumped because she was too old to have any more litters. I wish you luck with the yorkie.

Somebody? Anybody? This little dog doesn’t have too many years left in her. Can’t someone give her a bit of TLC for a couple years?

Where did this happen? Last Saturday night I picked up a schnautzer bitch after she wandered across Minzu West Road (up towards the Confucious Temple) and nearly got run over. She is about five years old, looks like she may have had a litter, has a nice collar and trimmed fur but her teeth are in terrible condition. No chip. A vet on Chongqing North Road told me someone else went in with a schautzer she found in the same locality on Monday - that one also had no chip.

Could there have been a mass dumping of breeding bitches?

I found “mama Mia” (that’s her name now) in Mucha, so not near where you are.

This little girl doesn’t make a sound, she doesn’t bark, wimper or anything, so i think she might have had her voice box cut out. She’s a little nervous,but so happy to get attention. She obviously never got attention because she wages her tail when you call her and go to her, but once you’re there she starts to shake.

She is eating well and will go to the vet today. Then later she will come back to the pet store in Mucha and hopefully we can find someone willing to open up thier home to this lovely little girl.

Please consider it or ask friends and family. she deserves a better life than she had.

(i’m possitive now that she was locked in a cage for the beginning of her life and just regularly had puppies), please please let me be put in a room with the person who did this.

Thank you for anything you can do for this little girl.

As someone who lost an arm-wrestling match to ukbikerchic, I, too, would love to see this happen.

ok I may be jumping the gun a little here, but a wonderful woman came and had a look at Mama Mia today and seemed to fall very much in love with her. The only problem is she is going away for a month.
So today Mama Mia has gone to the vet to get a check up and maybe neutered. after that she can go back to the pet store who has offered to take care of her until she is adopted, however, she would have to stay in a cage. Now this wonderful little lady has spent probably more than 8years in a cage, 24 hours a day and i would love it if she didn’t have to spend any more time in one.

So what i’m asking if you can’t adopt this lovely lady would you be willing to give her a tempary home/ foster home until the lady in question adopts her or someone else steps forward and adopts her.

if you can do this please let me or sean know. thank you so much.

btw, i would do much more than just arm wrestle whoever did this to this little lady i can assure you. lets put it this way if it was a man he will never be able to have offspring again and would need to find another way to go to the bathroom :fume:

Just to update: the wonderful Caroline from TaichungPaws.org will be fostering Mia for the next few weeks, until she has to leave the island to get married. (Congratulations!)

So, Mia is in god hands for a little while, but we really need to find her a good home as soon as possible. She is probably the easiest dog you could imagine. She is quiet, well-behaved, affectionate, and - the best bit - show her some newspaper and she will go to the bathroom. She is an absolute angel and deserves the very best home for her twilight years.

Please tell everyone you know. This kind of dog gets snapped up quite quickly, but we want to make sure she gets adopted into just the right family.

Thank you!

oh goodie. i’m not the only one.

What about brining her down to the flea market (should this rain ever stop?!!!)?

Well i have some fabulous news wonderful Caroline from TaichungPaws.org has decided to adopt Mama Mia, (she might have changed the name). I’m over the moon as i know Caroline will give her a great home and lots of love. :smiley: :bravo:

The vet said she might have been de-sexed already, so we are waiting to see if she comes into heat. if she does then we’ll get her de-sexed and have her teeth cleaned and a little lump removed at the same time.

Caroline if you read this, thank you soooo much and please keep us all updated. :notworthy:

I can’t tell you how happy this has made me feel.

YEAH! :smiley: