You have the right to... what, exactly?

I don’t think that is for anonymity. AFAIK the police are responsible for your safety while you’re under arrest. If an detainee were injured while in custody he could in theory sue the police. Arrested citizens have been attacked by bystanders and alleged victims, tried to hurt themselves etc. I think the cops are just covering their own asses by covering the heads of those arrested. For sure they don’t want these people getting hurt in front of the TV cameras.

It should be added, that whilst once arrested,it does well to say as little as possible to the police, that does not mean appearing belligerent. Appearing co-operative and giving away all but the most basic information are of course several different tactics altogether.
It’s all a matter or degree, that of situation. Wherein personal charm and charisma can play it all on out for one. If one is a negotiator. Time is on one’s side.
Secure that Perimeter!

“Everything you say will be use against you” means anything you say will NOT be used for you, so keep your yap shut until the guys with the suits show up.

Wasn’t there a PSA last year about not saying anything unless you have a lawyer? They were showing it before the movies, and maybe on TV too.

Was A-Bian starring in it?

Yes. Actually you won’t be able to get a word in edgeways.

Dunno. You want to do that before you get arrested. You can test whether or not you have been arrested by trying to walk away. If you are forcibly restrained this counts as being “arrested”.

Yes. Don’t bother. Ring the first Taiwanese person who appears in your phone book instead. You’ll be out in a jiffy.

No. Your attorney won’t have a baldy notion about criminal procedures. His only obligation is to charge you as if you were Donald Trump in an acrimonious divorce with Danny la Rue.

Irrelevant. See above.

No. There is only a presumption of foreign-ness. For example, you will be breathalysed. The Taiwanese person will not. The Taiwanese person will hit you in full view of the police whilst you are being breathalysed. You are not allowed to hit the police at all.

The court consists of a 12-year-old called a “prosecutor”. It is not an adversarial system. He who tires of the argument first, loses.

Six hours at NT$6,600 an hour plus disbursements.