You know you're addicted to when

You know you’re addicted to when…

…you wake up at 6:45 am on a Friday morning (any morning actually) (after just logging off a few hours before) (and sleeping fitfully) and log on when you know damn well there are much more important things to be doing.

When you feel your day is not complete without checking the latest posts…

When you feel your day does not start right when your emails from forumosa are completely read and “clicked through”…

Now, someone direct me to a forumosa rehab center…

When you still call it Segue.

When your write post like this instead of do the work your being paid to do.

When you start to go on the attack.

When you attend moderator meetings a.k.a forumosa happy hours in the middle of the week.

When you sign office memos with your online alias.


I’m ax, and I’m addicted…

is this the Foremost Anonymous?


When you point out foreigners to your Forumosa friends and tell them: “This is what I imagine poster xy looks like”.

When every time you meet a foreigner, you ask him what his Forumosa alias is.

When you stare at him in disbelief when he tells you that he’s never even heard of Oriented/Segue/Forumosa. :shock:

When foreigners come up to you and say: “Are you Iris from Forumosa?” :wink:

When your brother tells you: “I haven’t heard from you in ten days. But I checked Forumosa, and you’ve been posting a lot lately. So I assumed you’re alright.” :?

When your first reaction to any question you might have on Taiwan is: “I’ll post it on Forumosa.”

When you meet Forumosa and non-Forumosa friends at the same time and the non-Forumosa friends are completely unable to follow the conversation. :blush:


[quote=“iris”]When you point out foreigners to your Forumosa friends and tell them: “This is what I imagine poster xy looks like”.

When every time you meet a foreigner, you ask him what his Forumosa alias is.

When you stare at him in disbelief when he tells you that he’s never even heard of Oriented/Segue (Now Forumosa)/Forumosa. :shock:

When foreigners come up to you and say: “Are you Iris from Forumosa?” :wink:

When your brother tells you: “I haven’t heard from you in ten days. But I checked Forumosa, and you’ve been posting a lot lately. So I assumed you’re alright.” :?

When your first reaction to any question you might have on Taiwan is: “I’ll post it on Forumosa.”

When you meet Forumosa and non-Forumosa friends at the same time and the non-Forumosa friends are completely unable to follow the conversation. :blush:


I really have a problem then.

When you’d rather finish typing a post than turn your attention to the pretty girl who is waiting to talk to you.

Thank God I could never get that badly hooked!

Or, when you’d rather spend a few more minutes online at Forumosa than call it a day and go to join the lovely damsel (or gorgeous hunk) who is waiting for you in bed.

I’m not addicted. I could stop any time I liked if I wanted to.

Now’s a good time as any. :wink:

When your wife, husband, partner, (who never logs on) not only knows your online name but the names of some of the regulars and he or she can quote a recent Forumosa topic.

This one also belongs in here, I think (Chou, I hope you don’t mind):



You know your addicted to forumosa, in a bad way, when you take offense to having you your words re-posted, quoted, snorted or even aborted.

No problem. I need all the help I can get. Thanks.


Hi, my name is Toe and I’m an addict.

So…when do we start Forumosans Anonymous?

Denial excuse # 369:

I am an HFF…a High Functioning Forumosan.

As the song goes…

“I-I-I, I’m hooked on a forum
and I just can’t ignore 'em”


you forget to eat and drink and lose 15 pounds in two weeks…

When you log in at all hours of the night…including from 2am-8am on a worknight

When you stop at an internet cafe while traveling to check the website (twice while traveling down south with Okami)

When you refuse to get off because you’re waiting for someone to respond to what you’ve posted

When you constantly check your ranking on guanxi (178th now that I’ve blown over G$300 on quizzes and lottery…a sign of another sub-Forumosa addiction although, to my knowledge, I still hold the record for receiving the most guanxi from one person when I got G$500 from Sandman), total posts (45th place), and signed on date (105th) to plot how you can improve your rankings.

Newbies to Taiwan to you are those who have joined this site since it changed its name from to or you start off stories with “Back when the site was called…”

You start quoting posts to your non-forumosan co-workers.

You have ever attended a forumosa/ social function

Someone has ever included your screen name in a list within one of their posts…

When you have met more than 10 forumosans offline. So far, I have met Alleycat, Amos, ax, Durins Bane, embryopoet, Gus, Hexuan, Iris, ironlady, jeremy, Juba, Maoman, matthewh, MiakaW, miltownkid, Mother Teresa, Muffin, Okami, Rascal, Rose Ha, Sandman, Sir Donald Bradman, spacegal, Tigerman, Toesave, Tomas, and the now defunct Popo…Is that everyone? Let me know if I have forgotten you and I will make amends.

You hear the phrase “” and you can’t help but scoff to yourself.

You read about Gus saying that one IP address keeps hogging the bandwidth of the site by being logged on for so long and you wonder if it’s you he’s talking about. (it wasn’t me, was it?)

You already remember to not type the “www” when entering the address for the site manually.

If you have made a suggestion to this site that was useful to the administration…cough,cough, “guanxi”, cough.

You can read a thread like this and nod your head knowingly at others’ posts or think of personal examples.

When you yourself write up a long list of signs that you’re addicted to the website.


When I think about sharing a story that might be relevant in a thread or to a particular post, but then I don’t, because I’m fairly certain that I might already have posted that same story a long time ago on a different thread…

… and I don’t want to bore people more than I already do.

Your comment “You hear the phrase “” and you can’t help but scoff to yourself,” is so true and I have done it many times. Tealit is worse than marriage.

I think the defintion of being addicted to segue… opps forumosa is that you find yourself constantly checking for new posts and are actually happy to see that formosa has made a new post.

Ahem…not like I’ve been hanging around in the open forum section to check out who is responding to this thread or anything… but it’s nice to hear from formosa…sometimes you just need to take a break from reality and sense.