You know you've lost, when

You go into the kitchen at 4 o’clock in the morning, flick on the light and the cockies don’t even make a run for it.

TGFC - thank god for cats. No cockies knockin’ about my kitchen or any other part of my place, knock on wood.

When you have four cats, an electronic bug repelent, netting on all windows, covering on all pipes, sealing tape under all exit doors, and still…
THEY KEEP COMING!!! :runaway:

You need to use bug spray, dear. You don’t have to use it where the cats are. Go outside the apt., like in the stairwell leading up to your door, go down 2 landings, and spray it right in the crack along the wall as you walk up the stairs. Spray just outside your door and up a foot or so on the wall. Spray just a tiny bit, with the can held close to the wall, so it gets right on the surface instead of creating a big toxic cloud. Do the same behind the fridge, behind the stove, and behind the couch, where the cats can’t get to it.

That’s always been enough to keep my place cockroach free, and I don’t feel like there’s toxic insecticide everywhere because I use it very very sparingly and mostly outside.

It’s not you, love. The cockies here aren’t scared of you. I had them group attack me once near LiuZhangLi. They were all over me. I was never afraid of them before that. And I have kicked more than a dozen off my legs at food stands.