Dont you hate it when the restaurants offer only expensive special menus for Christmas and New years? What you guys all gonna do for Christmas?
But there again, wouldn’t you if you could?
Well, as Xmas is on a Monday, I guess I’ll be working as normal. Good thing I don’t really like Xmas.
and remember that a lot of food come at a premium around that time too,but most important the staff will need to be paid extra,a lot extra
In Taiwan? People here have no clue what Christmas is about. I bet if you went up to 100 people randomly here, none of them would know.
Holiday or not, there’s no way I’m working on Christmas day. I never have before; I never will.
I generally request Christmas day off, but I always work as usual on Chinese New Year… because I dont care about it and I get paid extra.
In Taiwan? People here have no clue what Christmas is about. I bet if you went up to 100 people randomly here, none of them would know.[/quote]
very well,but there is no mention of a specific geographical location in the OP…
i really don’t know where tommy is right now.
by the way,if Chinese are clueless about those 2 days,it means they won’t overcharge on those dates as well.
and who would want to go to a local restaurant for Christmas eve anyway?
Im boycotting Christmas this year and saving big bucks in the process
Having 11 nieces and nephews is a big hit on the wallet come Christmas time…
This year I have no plans… Will probably be another lonely day here in Wu Chi (cue violin music)
Will buy myself a Nintendo Wii though so that will be fun
Any other Christmas orphans in Taichung area?
In Taiwan? People here have no clue what Christmas is about. I bet if you went up to 100 people randomly here, none of them would know.[/quote]
very well,but there is no mention of a specific geographical location in the OP…
i really don’t know where tommy is right now.
by the way,if Chinese are clueless about those 2 days,it means they won’t overcharge on those dates as well.
and who would want to go to a local restaurant for Christmas eve anyway? [/quote]
tommy is in california but meant taiwan. I do think and know that most people do know that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ. The Taiwanese are not THAT ignorant And almost all places do have some sort of Christmas special (special expensive). Didnt they make that some sort of holiday (constitution day) but then took it away ?? Is it a holiday now or not?
edit: i meant WESTERN restaurants on Taiwan. The local beef noodle place is unlikely to have a Christmas special
To celebrate the birth of some people’s Lord and Saviour I will be going to work.
How about you Tommy? You are in Cali? Gotta love that X-mas traffic and holiday shopping quagmire.
[quote=“DiveAsia”]To celebrate the birth of some people’s Lord and Saviour I will be going to work.
How about you Tommy? You are in Cali? Gotta love that X-mas traffic and holiday shopping quagmire.[/quote]
its actually kinda quiet round here christmas time. I actually thought things were more roudy when i was back in taipei.
i know that i have a lot more buds to hang with back there on christmas eve and new years eve.
a place really is more of what you make of it and what it makes of you
is December 25th no longer a holiday in Taiwan??? thats sad if thats the case. wE always had it off before.
Actually, if they’re not Christian (as the overwhelming majority aren’t) you’ll find they don’t know. If they do have any idea about Christmas it’ll be because a big deal is made out of it as a gimmick at bushiban’s (kinda like Halloween, Easter, Thanksgiving etc…), which will be something like this: Oh Christmas! Yes, I know. That’s when the fat old foreigner with the white beard gets dressed up in a red costume and gives kiddies gifts.
But then again, more and more people in the West are also limited by that view. “Jesus who? Do you mean Father Christmas?” Unfortunately, “Jesus”, “Christ” and Jesus Christ" are more often associated as a expressive statements of surprise, anger etc, than with Christmas and Easter.
Unfortunately, huh? I guess it depends on your point of view and propensity to believe in fairy tales.
When I was in the US and in college, I spent my Christmas eve, by crashing on the sofa because I worked third-shift during the winter holidays (we had from the week before Thanksgiving until the week after New Year’s off from school) and then at midnight after Christmas going to work to take down decorations at the store and set up for New Year’s/Mardi Gras and restock the store.
When I went home at Christmas (three times, plus one trip home during the summer), I would again crash on the sofa while everyone sat around chatting because of jet lag (13-hour time difference being a real bitch).
This year, I will probably be substituting for someone who got the week off. No Chinese staff to invite me to an impromptu surreal glimpse into an Upper-Class Taiwanese Christmas complete with catering by the ACC, Christmas carols and the Eagles on the karaoke machine, and of course, the rather, God bless her, gaudy Christmas decorations and the decked out white purse-dog with a bad attitude.
Last year I ordered a take out turkey dinner for 20 from somewhere and invited all my friends and co-workers. Some of them had never had a christmas turkey before and they thought it was pretty good. It was a good party. Expensive, but worth it.
I just want a turkey dinner. That’s all.
I want turkey, dressing, gravy and cranberry sauce all on a big-ass buttered dinner roll please. Candied yams, green bean casserole, corn pudding, and collard greens would be nice too. Do you think Santa will grant my wish this year? Or am I doomed to have instant noodles and a 7-11 pudding because that’s all I’ll have time to grab between classes?
Not really to worried about it, but to enlighten you americans/canadians, christmas is on the 24th
I guess I might cook up myself some meatballs, but all the other stuff is just too much of hassle and I don’t care much for pickled herring anyhow…
[quote=“canucktyuktuk”]Last year I ordered a take out turkey dinner for 20 from somewhere and invited all my friends and co-workers. Some of them had never had a christmas turkey before and they thought it was pretty good. It was a good party. Expensive, but worth it.
I just want a turkey dinner. That’s all.[/quote]
Is your avatar from Home Improvement? The house looks a LOT like Tim Taylor’s home (and the face on the turkey looks like Tim too)
Nope, it’s supposed to be Kramer morphed into a turkey from some fantasy Seinfeld segment.