What was your weirdest, funniest, nicest or worst Forumosa experience?
I started questioning forumosa’s influence on sanity when my brother told me that after hearing about the train crash at Alishan, my mum started worrying that I might have been on the train. But instead of picking up the telephone and calling me (yes, we do have telephone lines here in Taiwan!), my brother logged on to forumosa and checked the time of my last post. As I had posted on the evening after the crash, my family assumed that I was alright :?
One of my nicest forumosa moments was when I got a PM from ImaniOU asking if I wasn’t by chance the German girl she had met almost a year ago in a park during lunch break. I had been on my own, during one of my trips here from Shanghai and had gotten very sick then. She had tried to cheer me up. We’d been posting all the time without realizing.
What interesting forumosa stories do you guys have?
Why aren’t there replies here? I think this is a good topic.
My weird situation also involved ImaniOU. One day she decides to give out Guanxi for the first person to find certain personal information about herself. It made me learn more about a stranger than my own co-worker or neighbor.
Must be when Iris told us she was going shopping for some software. I had posted in return that I was going shopping for beer and hey, my post disappeared! Must have been off-topic i guess … I thought it was shopping thread. Silly me!