
Did you ever wonder what it is Yoxi taxi?

It’s actually the taxi fleet owned by Hotai Motors company, importer of Toyota, owner of iRent, and have their own finance company. They guarantuee a 45K NT$ if you work 30 days a month, get your car from them on easy installments. It’s the Uber equivalent but with a guaranteed daily income of 1500 NT$ if you are on stand by for 10 hours and don’t skip more than 3 requests per day.

They have their own app too.

No days off? Wow


To be fair you have a day off roughly every couple of months. But you really get screwed in February!


45k for a 70hrs week? That’s too good to be true. I’m alone pretty sure management will not use the rules about Stand-by, skipping requests and 30 days availability to screw the drivers over. Better than Uber. At least on paper.

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