Never heard of this guy, but apparently he was director at the Department of Education until forced to resign. He said this about Ma’s father…
I am incredulous that someone in his position would use such language to refer to someone’s dead father, or is this just what to expect in the world of Taiwan politics?
…now look how the DPP are trying to distance themsleves from Zhuang! all the TVs channels are full of it tonight… many say its worse than the KMT '4 idiots" who stormed into the DPP campaigin HQ last week… one minute the KMT on the backfoot, now the DPP - as they say, one week is a long time in politics…
the reasoning goes like this; Ma’s father had a “gan nuer” (kind of like a “sweet cousin”) - usually meant to be someone you protect & nurture, educate etc. - execept in those times, you might also like to roger her as well, as was often the case. Becasue the elder Ma had (alledgedly) rogered his gan nuer (shades of woody allen, but not illegal), this makes him morally corrupt. Since Ma Ying Jeou has 50% of his father’s DNA, it follows that the younger Ma is equally or at least half as morally corrupt as his father.
problem was, he described her using the “F” word, as in “F-bag” (Ma’s F-bag) - with many parents & children in the audience. What a shining example of refined education these glorious politicains are giving us (Zhaung is NO.2 in the Educaiton ministry).
Thank you for the insight into Zhuang’s ‘logic’ Attache. I notice he said that he was only quoting some publication, so there is no need to apologise. Wtf?
Xie was saying on TV that he was not a DPP member. But how did such a moron get such a high position in the MOE, or was his idiocy unknown until now?
Zhuang Guorong was also the idiot in charge of changing the name of CKS Memorial Hall to whatever it is actually named now, no? Regardless, he was certainly well represented in the media footage at CKS Memorial at the time, being an incredible tit.
Anyway, I was thinking about adding his name to the Idiots 2008 thread. He belongs there, though mostly for this latest gaffe. There’s your 15 minutes of fame, or infamy rather. Go fuck off now.
No. 2 should be the vice minister. Zhuang was the zhu-ren-mi-shu (主任秘書), or the Secretary General, kind of like the chief of staff. Not number two, but certainly one of the top brass.
absoluitely right, Incubus - I stand corrected (and kinda new I was wrong anyway) but in terms of media prominence within the Education Ministry he’s definitely NO.2, if not No. 1 by now.
Even more interesting in the incident was the Employment Minister (aka Chairman of the Council of Labout Affairs). Standing next to Zhuang on the platform, when Zhuang uttered his obscenities for all the mothers & children to hear, there was the Minister egging him on, applauding his comments.
In fact, during the replays, you could see his face light with joy up as Zhuang used the “F” word. Later, when Zhuang was forced to apologise, the Minister tried to distance himself from his visible support by saying “I wasn’t really lisetning”.
…now that’s the kind of Employment Minister we need! Fear not, all you English teachers out there, your rights are in safe hands - visa extensions, work permits & the like…
Sorry if I appear remotely sarcastic, but if Hsieh wins this saturday, he’ll keep his administration, and that’s the Employment Minister you’ll get.
Was this the guy or was it the top dog in the Ministry of Education who while on a visit to TAS, smiling and jovial stated that TAS was the best school in Taiwan?
The implication being that Taiwanese schools were down the food chain, and that being true (with such talent and leadership in the MOE) would indeed stay that way
Zhuang now seems to be heading back to where he came from, i.e. teaching public policy at Zhengda.
This being one of Taiwan’s two most prestigious universities, many people there don’t want to see the sleazeball return.
i originally thought that Zhuang must be some uneducated party lackey promoted well above his abilities, but he actually has a PhD in Law from Munich university and taught at Zheng-Da.
His boss at the MOE, Du Zhengsheng is also derided as a fool, but he on paper at least he also appears to be a highly educated man.
Zhuang is same MOE official who derided Mayor Hau as “gay” and Ma Ying-jeou as “weak like a woman,” and said he would send Hau “running home crying to his mother.” Various groups protested those outbursts as well, but he never apologized, and the DPP chose to forget about them. Now that the election’s at stake, though, I guess they have to do something.
I expect he’ll be sacked by Zhengda, since they have seriously high aspirations and care about their reputation. But he’ll be snapped up by one of Taiwan’s many tenth-rate new “universities” because he has some kind of celebrity status that might help them gain visibility and attract more students.
(I heard a representative of Zhengda interviewed about this on the radio. She spoke about how Zhengda is aiming to build up its reputation internationally and join the ranks of the world’s top-tier universities, but no respectable university elsewhere in the world would tolerate such behaviour from a member of its faculty, and they had been inundated with complaints about him. So the writing’s on the wall for him there!)
The KMT is not accepting his written apology, saying he did not write it but was rather a DPP apology. they justify this saying the name at the bottom is typed, not signed by hand, and that the way it was written did not reflect Guorong’s speech patterns.
[quote=“Icon”]The KMT is not accepting his written apology, saying he did not write it but was rather a DPP apology. they justify this saying the name at the bottom is typed, not signed by hand, and that the way it was written did not reflect Guorong’s speech patterns.
And this was determined within their speech/writing labs at CSI:KMT
Considering the things some of the legislators actually do, it is amazing that people complain when a guy says something. Of course, it is more serious to say the F-word in public, than to ram the police with a Van… you gotta love Taiwan.
Oh, and being Mafia only puts you in the good sights over here.
[quote=“Icon”]The KMT is not accepting his written apology, saying he did not write it but was rather a DPP apology. they justify this saying the name at the bottom is typed, not signed by hand, and that the way it was written did not reflect Guorong’s speech patterns.
The KMT have experts on everything, from shaking hands to attempted assassinations to “America’s Most Famous Fortune Teller”. Of course sometimes the experts, like Dr Lee, don’t always agree with what the results they want and they have to hire someone else like, “America’s Most Famous Fortune Teller” whom nobody in America has heard of.
sorry,mr. boogie, times have changed a little bit since the 80s, its the DPP who are the Mafia now, and yesterday’s vote was more about anti-corruption than love of Chiang Kai Shek. Anyhow, the people have spoken.
As for driving a truck into a polica barricade, usually in the western world, its the driver who is held responsible, not the passenger. But of course the betelnut chewing driver disappeared into the crowd, never to be seen again. And Chiu Yi goes to prison.
…but as you say - only in Taiwan! dont you love it.
Well indeed I love it even more now the corrupt regime is gone.
I didn’t think it was possible for Chuang Kuo-rong to be more of an idiot than he’s already shown us, but I was wrong. One of Taiwan’s top morons is planning on taking things to a new level.
[quote]Chuang Kuo-rong (莊國榮), former Ministry of Education secretary-general, said yesterday he would show his penitence for insulting President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and his family by staging a hunger strike in front of the Presidential Office starting July 1.
Chuang caused a storm of controversy during the presidential campaign in March, when he used a profanity to imply Ma’s late father had a salacious relationship with his goddaughter.
When then Democratic Progressive Party candidate Frank Hsieh (謝長廷) suffered a landslide defeat, some people blamed Chuang and his caustic remarks for turning voters away. Chuang resigned from the ministry and has since returned to his post as assistant professor at National Chengchi University (NCCU).
However, the school decided on Thursday not to renew his contract, saying his behavior during the election period had disgraced the institution.[/quote]