A French phrase a day: The serious thread

Anyone interested in reviving this thread? I want to learn french!
I can start off the 2017 edition.
“Tu es un as”
Means you are an ace /whiz
As is pronounced “ass”
I had never heard of this expression other than the day i learnt it in class. Is it used? And why is the s in as pronounced?
Merci en advance!

This is a good website to get the meanings of colloquial expressions in French. If you sign up they will email you a saying a day and describe how it is used. all in French.

your saying ‘etre un as’ is in there

I think he was just referring to the title of the kids song, which is not intended to be offensive.

Thanks. If i have any questions ill "pose’ them here then?
I belong to a group of francophiles and have no one to guide us when we have questions.

I just read the song. I wonder what "ils marchent à petits pas " means? Is it referring to the time the chinese bound their feet?

means walking with small steps, like walking daintily.

Thanks! 我真想了太多。 Good thing you were able to translate it.

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Bonjour, j’ai appris le français au Québec. Au Chicoutimi ils aiment dire ‘tu’ après des phrases. Comme ‘tu sais tu?’
Etk. J’ai d’habitude de dire ‘comment tu t’appels tu?’ . Est-ce que ma façon de dire cette phrase est québécoise ou c’est une erreur à ma parte ?

its usually either ‘comment tu t’appelles?’ or 'tu t’appelles comment? or ‘comment t’appelles tu?’

sounds like you have one too many tu’s

Thanks. I think i mixed up two of the phrases and made my own up.

Un ami m’a dit que tous les anglicismes sont masculin. C’est vrai? Les anglicismes je connais sont des chips, du popcorn, un sandwich, le cake … et au quebec le popsicle, un muffin et le leadership.
Mais il y a la pizza et la vodka mais ses mots viennent d italie et la Russie.
But dim sum and feng shui are masculine and they come from Chinese.
Any thoughts on this?