
It’s politics, and if it actually happens it will be international by definition.

Not everyone absolutely accepts the results of the election, which is why this whole thing started. And not everyone can stomach the reaction, therefore…

They’re only making plans with Nigel
Nigel just lends a helping hand

Now there is one Civil War where I would happily volunteer on the Union side. LOL bahahahahahahahahhha. Then again, without Cal`s electoral votes? Voting in Dems would be that much harder…maybe good riddance?

The United States would become a permanent Republican party, while California would be the daily commuting destination for people from South of the border. That would be a win-win, all the democrats would be able to show how morally superior they are by letting everyone in, while the rest of the US would get rid of a lot of crime related issues.

Make that Republican parties, plural. The RNC will have to find a new way to justify its existence, and probably won’t be up to it.

The two-party system seems to be the end state of democracies, although it’s more obvious with a winner-take-all infrastructure. With the Dems no longer a major party, the Republicans would split in half. And that’s fine.

Forget Calexit. What’s needed is Bluexit.

Long, but what an interesting jumping off point for discussion.

Same problem, multiplied.

But, do it on a per-municipality level and I’ll say good riddance. Think locally, act locally. The juicy irony of globalist enclaves scattered across the continent. Of course it will probably become a gulag archipelago, but that’s their problem.

(It would also be a much needed reality check on the - rather hypocritical - balance of payments argument.)

Ha, the Democrat Party would never, never, never allow this to happen, don’t worry.

That’s for sure.

Popular vote total:
Trump: 62,958,211
Clinton: 65,818,318

Clinton: + 2.8 million

Popular vote total outside California:
Trump: 58,474,401
Clinton: 57,064,530

Trump: + 1.4 million