Charlottesville protests

Its all about the Elite with their Divide and conquer tactics, unfortunately now for the first time the Left (Which I consider myself mostly Left) are violent too. At a time when the reality on the ground and statistics and studies all show the US is way less racist today than any any time in history…
Even KKK membership is at its lowest rate…You would think otherwise if the media shows nothing be hate, fear, and separation. Honestly the kkk has like 6000 members left! The friggin 18th street gang in Los Angeles Alone has 20,000-30,000 members and are 100 times more deadly and violent …thats not Nationwide thats LA! So should that be on the News like 4x more? Nah it doesn’t fit their agenda of Divide the nation so no one pays attention to what bills get passed.

For example…anyone hear of Blackwater or Academi? The worlds largest private mercenary army now wants to own the entire Afganistan War theater and Congress might let them with funding…you won’t see that on the news. The news will only tell you…US Soldiers will withdraw from Afghanistan… they conveniently always leave out why.

Check out the Video of the Black Girl I posted above giving her 2 cents about all the Medias Lies, she clearly sees it and makes many good balanced points.


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You have a point, but this one detail doesn’t quite match the historical record.

Nazis: We want to mass-murder everyone who doesn’t look like us.
Anti-Nazi protesters: Your evil is not welcome here.
trump: Look! There’s bad and good on both sides!


To make it simple for the simple-minded: Nazis are bad, m’kay?

Trump clearly said he wasn’t talking about the nazis or the white supremacists. . .

Are you saying that to acknowledge there may have been good and bad people on both sides makes one simple minded?

I think he meant that you are deep shit.

There were people carrying torches and protesting the taking down of a statue honoring a racist traitor who weren’t white supremacists?? :roll_eyes:

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So if someone perceives Robert E Lee as a symbol of Confederate pride the motive of white supremacy is automatically attributed to them?

Its already old news, but…

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Why would anyone have pride in the confederacy? They went to war because the north wanted them to stop owning slaves (enough with the states rights bunk). Then they lost that war like the losers they are. Most other countries don’t honor the losing sides in their civil wars, especially when those sides were so clearly in the wrong. The south has a real problem with reconciling that harsh truth I think.


“Enough with the states rights bunk”.

It may be bunk to you. But it certainly isn’t bunk to everyone.

Maybe they’re wrong. Maybe they’re poorly informed. Maybe they’re stubborn. Maybe they’re just plain stupid. Sure. I get it. But just because they’re wrong does that automatically mean that their motive is white supremacy?


I can’t speak for every single person that’s hung up on a failed rebellion from 150 years ago, but what I can say is you march on a college campus carrying torches (a tactic the KKK loved) and chanting stuff like “blood and soil” and “Jews will not replace us”, then yeah I think most are white nationalists. I’ve seen the pictures. I don’t think there were any “very fine people” at that rally.


There’s no Baldwin, but the whole episode is pretty funny. :slight_smile:

I’ve seen the footage as well. I don’t believe that every person at that rally participated in the behaviors you’ve listed above. There were a number of different groups there.

I don’t think there were any “very fine people” at that rally.

I guess that’s where we’ll just have to agree to disagree, then. :slightly_smiling_face:

I reckon most people have never heard of most of the groups on either side until now.

There were two sides at Charlottesville: Nazis and their opponents.

There are no “very fine people” (to quote trump) among the Nazis.

(And yes: Godwin’s law has been repealed. When people are carrying swastika flags, doing sieg heil salutes, and chanting “blut und boden”, it is perfectly okay to call them Nazis.)


Yeah Godwin’s doesn’t apply when you’re actually talking about nazis.



There is a commenter, I am guessing is in the states, or so given the times he posts, who should be coming along any moment now and will have a field day with this post. Any moment now. Any moment. Be prepared.

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You are just spitting stuff off some leftist website and missed the context of what Trump was saying, because they (or may you) don’t want you to understand him, they strive and arrange quotes in ways to get you to misunderstand him.

What Trump said was that Mexico wasn’t sending their best people. The people that Mexico were sending have a lot of problems, and then the list goes on, rapists, drug dealers, etc. This is the difference between illegal immigrants and legal immigrants. Of course we want to discriminate between the best in any country and the dregs. Every country has them; America has them. We want the best of any country to enter, which means we have to control the immigration process more closely than Obama. He just wanted to open the floodgates indiscriminately to help the Democrats win elections as soon as possible.

As for the Muslim ban, he wasn’t saying anything about Muslims. There was a real fear, and still is, of terrorism that is being done in the name of Islam all over Europe and the US as well, and he was responding to that because its the presidents job to protect the country from such. The perception was that Obama wasn’t doing enough to protect our country from terrorism for politics, for fear of not being PC, for fear of insulting a religion. He couldn’t even bring himself to say Islamic terrorism. Which is ridiculous, because we have to know and be able to say who the culprit is if we are to defend against it.

I’m not saying corruption doesn’t happen, but where government steps in and interferes with the market to help this or that business interest, capitalism has been thwarted. And if your boss is having to do that in order to succeed, then he isn’t entrepreneurial enough to run a business, no matter how right-wing you think he is on other matters. He certainly isn’t on economics.