Charlottesville protests

I think there’s an aviation law that prohibits disposing feces over land.


Who said it had to be over land?

They’re saying there was a police stand down. We hear that a lot lately.

And then there’s Baltimore…

Political correctness and law and order don’t mix.

Here’s what a lot of people don’t understand about the President’s response. He can be very pointed when he wants to be, calling out the dangers of Islamic terrorism or illegal immigration, threatening North Korea and Venezuela, attacking the media or even his own Attorney General. Why is it that the only two groups he’s afraid to confront are the Russians accused of interfering in our election, and white nationalists? Why does he hedge, or try to avoid addressing them directly? He still hasn’t called out white supremacists specifically, instead firing off some vague, mealy-mouthed false equivalence about the different groups at the rally. The dude who is supposed to be the moral authority of the country literally can’t bring himself to call out Neo-Nazis, the group who carries on the poisonous ideology that the greatest generation fought so hard to snuff out. What a petty, pathetic coward we have for a President now. Sad.



This is the part I don’t understand.

Although there have always been some white supremacists who view Jews as fellow whites, there is also a well known tendency for them to be anti-Jewish (not just anti-Semitic). Has this changed recently? Because we keep hearing that they’re pro-Trump and so on, yet surely they know by now that Ivanka is Jewish.

Do they just try to block it from their minds? Do they think she’s a crypto-Christian? Do they plan to “save” her? Do they shrug and say yeah but Hillary’s worse like millions of non-racist voters did? Or do they now consider Jews allies (“enemy of my enemy”)?

Well, eventually he did. But I think they’re just so piddling, a minority of people, it’s not worth making a fuss and giving them free advertising. There are reports that police were told to stand down. This didn’t need to be news. There’s someone out there that wanted this confrontation to take place to set up a narrative. But really, we’re talking about such a minority force here that isn’t carrying any influence in numbers.

White supremacism was very strong on the Democrat side, especially if you want to talk about the KKK. Senator Byrd was recently a Democrat Senator who was a full-fledged member of the KKK in his younger days, and don’t know that he ever apologized for it.

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Byrd expressed regret. I’m not sure what that has to do with Ivanka.

In fairness to the Don, here’s the latest.

Like what Pinochet did to communists?

of course Antifa defines fascist as anyone on the right.

You’re correc, they’re not the same thing - antifa are much worse.

For anyone who has any doubts: Yes, Nazis are right-wingers.

That sounds familiar. Replace right with left and…

Can you clarify? Which rightwing group at the rally are Antifa worse than? Do you mean Antifa are worse than Neo-Nazis, a group that carries its forebearer’s calls for the extermination of all Jews, or do you mean Antifa are worse than the modern KKK, which only wishes for a “separation of the mongrel races from the superior white race”? Or maybe they’re just worse than the so-called “white nationalists” that try to soft-peddle their feelings about other races under the ridiculous notion that they’re the ones somehow being repressed, while using alt-right figureheads like Richard Spencer to provide twisted rationales to the media for why they aren’t racist? Which group carrying torches, chanting “blood and soil”, and marching to protect a statue of a traitor to the country are Antifa worse than? :thinking:


Worse than neo nazis and white nationalists (lose the scare quotes). Much more of a track record of violence and disruption.

Many antifas are communists - who have killed far more people than Nazis did in the 40s. Objectively worse human beings.

IIRC there is no one klan group today, only many tiny groups with members in the hundreds. So you’ll have to be more specific.

They’re worse than Neo Nazis? Lol okay. Well, here’s one Jew who disagrees. People who carry the swastika are synonymous with monsters, in my opinion. And it’s ridiculous we’re allowing this to happen in a country that gave half a million lives to stop their murderous march through Europe half a century ago.

As for the hundred different KKK groups? Does it matter? Do some want black people lynched, while others only want them to go back to Africa?


He needs to get re elected in about 3 years so. These guys used to wear hoods and mask their identity, now the just openly spew hate in public. Wonder who made them feel comfortable enough to that?

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Who says otherwise?

Tbf, communists have also killed a lot of Jews. As a Jew , im saying that

Yes, but even if crazy leaders or the mobs of any political identity killed lots of people along the history of humankind, Nazis had in their agenda to make a good racial cleanup… while the “antifascists” that @monkey_yuan don’t have such enterprise.

Communism has different goals than fascism. I’m not a communist, but, which ideology is more repulsive by nature? apparently some forumosans’ answer would be communism or antifascism, because “they call us names” or “they also killed people”.

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