Chinese Military Jets Encircle Taiwanese Airspace as Invasion Fears Rise

So has Team America. Are either what they used to be… and need to be?

Who knows, most likely not, but it can. Let not forget west bombed dozen of countries in the last 20 years, Russia shows who is boss in syria and ukraine. I mean maybe PLA believes is time to flex muscles and for start take over Kinmen for example.

All posturing is temporary. Sooner or later somebody calls your bluff.

Il Douche has crippled the US Navy’s fighting power. The US can trigger an invasion, but not beat it back when it comes.

All those ugly concrete qilous lend themselves well to a guerrilla warfare defense. Unfortunately, gun control means the populace will have nothing to shoot with save BB guns.

The whole (real) point of gun control is the gun grabbers get to be the ruling class… until some other gun grabbers come along who managed to grab more guns for themselves.

Dangerous times. Our leaders have failed us, as leaders often do. The real problem is expecting too much from designated leaders. Never should have given them so much authority in the first place.

That made me laugh :slight_smile:

They don’t need to invade. Taiwan is going down the toilet fast anyway, soon they will beg to be united .

As President Donald J. Trump would say: “Fake news.” The culprits for this recent spate of invasion stories are living high on the hog in Taiwan.

You guys get scared about China. I’ll keep to my dull, much more reasonable fears of traffic accidents, pollution levels and earthquakes.

