Currently in taipei.. newbie.. no jobs?

so you turned down a job offer at Hess because you were concerned with the level of stress and stuff you’d feel from working there? After searching for 1 month+ with no success?

well, I hope you have enough money for the long stay. Surprised no one has mentioned embellishing/fabricating job experience on their resumés here as good advice - worked very well for me. Just make sure you’ve got all the answers ready for an interview and bam

Lie on your resume, this is not the west.
If you don’t others will. As far as the schools are concerned you have been teaching in Korea or Europe since you graduated.
If you think this is immoral just remember most schools won’t write references, or even sign them, after you leave. Even if it’s on good terms and you’ve just completed two years, they don’t want you going to other schools.

Is that legal? In some countries that counts as fraud.

UPDATE/ An agent scored me an Ok job… I have 15 hours a week now and its going up to 17.5… There are no bullshit unpaid office hours and everyone has been pretty cool so far…Looks like holding out on HESS was a good plan. Now if I just survive this visa run tomorrow!

Funny guy. Don’t hold your breath on that 17.5. :roflmao:

Still, I think you did well in finding an alternative to HESSssssss. I worked for them and YES, you would have been loaded down with tons of unpaid work and stressed out to no end.

If you can live well and thrive on 15 hours, you’ll do well here.

Does anybody Have Jenny Lai the agents number for me ?

Why do you ask? Looking for work?

Anyway, there are a lot of stories out there about Jenny because she has been recruiting for like two decades or more for teachers here in Taiwan. You tend to hear horror stories for the most part because people like to bitch about their bad experiences but I’m sure she’s been helpful to more people than she has not. I have been working with her recently. She was the middle man for a middle man in my situation. She got me an interview for a great job. She told me about the benefits and it sounded awesome. Turns out she didn’t really know what she was talking about for the benefits and when I spoke with the actual recruiter, he told me the real deal. Still a great job though and I’ll happily take it, but do take what she says with a grain of salt and ask her if she is sure about this that or the other when she talks about things and have her check before getting your hopes up. She can help you and can do great work for you, but you do need to be wary when working with her.

hi, can someone please give me jenny lai’s contact info. phone and email.

Use technology to keep their hands off of the materials that you create and to protect your job. My former bosses were none too pleased about it, but since they were inattentive in the first place, they knew that I had all of the power at their moment of realization. When I left for my current job (as a curricular director, ironically), they lost me, access to my materials, and the students for whom those materials were intended. They signed a letter of recommendation that I wrote, though.

Is Hess as bad as it sounds? Gotta be honest I’m not a fan of 6 day work weeks but I’m presently in Manila and my funds while not empty will be soon if I don’t find work soon. I might get desperate enough to accept a 6 day work week if they could place me in the right situation.