Daily Photos -- Part 14

I was guessing that you had a 200, a 300 or a 70-200 to get photos so sharp. I wasn’t expecting full frame but that doesn’t really help you with telephoto. A 300f4 lens is on my wish list (from Pentax) but I don’t have 1000+USD to spend on equipment and I need to upgrade the body first next time they come out with a new APSC model. They are releasing a new FF and I have enough lenses that it would work but I am not interested in the extra weight, buying a new tripod, a new lens or two, new filters and probably a new computer to handle the larger file sizes.

Sri Lanka has also moved up my ‘should explore’ list but there are so many places to go.

I was taking pictures of that bird next to a lake in a golf court, and when I checked the files from the camera I found out that a golf cart passed by just at the right time :laughing:

Bakery show in taipei, at Nangang station. Tons of cookies, cakes, cupcakes and ice cream samples!

Shimenggu, Chaiyi, Taiwan by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

Qingrengu Waterfall, Chaiyi, Taiwan by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

Shimenggu, Chaiyi, Taiwan by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

This is one of the best dayhikes that I have done in a long time. It had everything and everything was awesome. Very few people know about it and we didn’t see anybody on the trail that day.
theworldisnotthatbig.com/2016/0 … -shimengu/

Jiaolong Waterfall, Taiwan by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

Taiwan’s tallest waterfalls (600 meters) and the 100th that I have visited in Taiwan (all in my guide).
taiwanswaterfalls.com/waterfall- … waterfall/

I have been really busy lately and have tons of updates and blogs to write.

heart wrenching to see illegal logging still going rampant…

This is a historic picture that will certainly stir some memories among old hands:


where did you take these photos? they are pretty amazing.

First one is from the Ren Shan Botanical Garden in southern Yilan, the sunset is from Sabah, Malaysia. I’ve been there a few days during the long holiday at the beginning of this month.

I wonder when I will go back to Sabah. Damn beautiful place but also damn frustrating. So many of the great places are closed off unless you are on an expensive tour (100-200+USD/day). And big distances in between the places you want to go with slow public transit.

Namasia fireflies, Taiwan by Kirk Beiser, on Flickr

The fireflies were pretty cool. theworldisnotthatbig.com/2016/04 … fireflies/

Fireflies were really cool indeed. I was on a boat, surrounded by noisy Chinese tourists, and all my pictures look really bad :confused: A good experience nonetheless!

Always safety first!

2 x sunrise over 101