Do you hate your coworkers?

Back then, I didn’t care. I threw my resume everywhere.
(FYI, I’m Asian American, and sadly this matters as a first impression when I walk into any schools that I don’t know, lol)

I have a marriage ARC, so I have all the freedom of pick and choose.
I send my resume through FB posts or whatever I see on job listing sites.
I was part-time with no contracts, and that’s what I preferred. I still like this since contracts are restrictive in nature.

If you are sponsored, try to manage your time, find a school willing to sponsor you a new ARC, and go from there. If you did sign a contract, look closely for the terms of early contract terminations and what is written there.

I did break a few contracts here and there, but I did not have to pay any fines for them because I did my best to be respectful to the owners (in fact, I still am in touch with one owner I broke the contract with).

I’m sure many here faced a similar situation as you, trying to find a better workplace. Perhaps they can chime in as well.

I never put anything there. (It’s dead…) I just go into school in person or ask my friends if schools are looking for teachers.


from Imgflip Meme Generator

Do you want to keep teaching? Or are you open to other types of jobs?

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I think it’s limited since my background is teaching and I have to have an ARC sponsor. Definitely let me know suggestions though! I would actually like to be a PE teacher but don’t have everything needed yet. :frowning:

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If I were in your shoes, I might consider jobs such as copywriting for a marketing team. And while working in marketing, learn more about other aspects of marketing to give you more options in the future.

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Sure, they need to justify their own value ( not all, not all, but some.)

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Yeah a lot of us here are on APRCs, marriage visas or even citizens. It is not so easy.for you, but definitely start looking, you are in the country already , so do not need to go through quaranteen etc. Look after your mental health. Look for another job, work out etc. Your co workers wont change, so just control what is within your power to control and try and ignore the rest. The cutting your hours is more of an issue than peoples subjective opinion of you.


Is there a website with posting for these jobs? or just 1111? I do think marketing job would be a smart move.

@crusher 100% plus who else would they b.tch at when I’m the “newbie” and they aren’t hiring anyone else unless one of us quits. Which will most likely be me quitting :slight_smile:
I’m technically getting the same amount of hours but they cut my classes. It is hard to explain. Maybe other people would be OK with it but their reasoning doesn’t make sense.

Oh and once my coteacher told me doing something was OK. The next day the manager told me I should have asked coteacher. Then when I said I did she said I should have asked her instead??? I - :upside_down_face:

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Sometimes there is no reason with unreasonable people. Anyway, you have not been here long I feel. Asian society is very complex in terms of relationships. Lots of smokes and mirrors. There is probably some early leaving clause in your contract, and they might try and make you pay. I’m an.old timer here and I still get.blind sided sometimes. Anyway at least you know these co workers do not like you, better than thinking they do , but actually do not which is more common here.
All the best !


I actually thought the one who’s work I was doing liked me. Now I know to tell her I don’t have time to do her work :rofl:

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I have not seen any coworkers in person aside from my supervisors since the pandemic.

And no, for my whole career I’ve been aloof from work politics so I had no idea what’s going back/don’t care.

Nobody was trying to screw me until my previous boss, and even though I’m in a new position I don’t talk about him.

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That was my method and look at me now being told weird illogical things. It wouldn’t bother me so much if they actually stood up for teachers and didn’t encourage parents.

Being aloof from nasty sh.t talk on a personal level is easy to do , but yeah when they actually start saying or doing things that can take the bread of your table then have no mercy lol.


Yes I do.

I keep out of their way here and miss my overseas coworkers . Cest la vie .


If you ask people for help, and they give you the benefit of their experience, and you respond like this, don’t be surprised if they talk shit about you. Attitude could be part of the reason you are having trouble interacting with coworkers and your manager.

There are Facebook groups. How’s your Chinese?

Indeed, can’t just mute people because you don’t like the cut of their jib. Teaching is a social job and like every workplace there are politics. If you can’t learn to navigate the local culture you’ll have to find a workplace that accommodates that.

As an English teacher in the US, isn’t it?

That is a good policy. Avoidance, only talking when it is professionally necessary to do so, or basic civilities like returning a “Good morning.” Other than that sadly I agree with @Brianjones
It is hard not to get dragged into office politics , but trying not to get dragged in is the goal.
Sometimes replying with basic responses is good, not at the caveman grunting level, but words like “oh yeah” , “I see” “oh”…then act busy or be busy Someone should write a book on “How to avoid office politics.”

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OO is not an English teacher.


A masseuse, perhaps?

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I think we’re calling them audio-video specialists these days?