Expat tattoos face with 臺灣 and independence flag

What is he wearing in that video an apron or something?

Imagine putting him in a police lineup. To be fair, I guess they’d have to put temporary tattoos on the others’ faces.

“Now think carefully, ma’am. Are you sure this is the man you saw?”

“Well I thought he had a Four Hearts flag instead of the WUFI flag…”

He’d still be easy to pick out. He’d be the one who can’t stand up straight.

He’s the hero Taiwan needs, but not the one we deserve

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I’m not sure if there’s anyone who’d either need or deserve such a hero, but we’ll let Alfred decide…

At least he’s ready for Halloween this weekend 哈哈哈哈 :rofl:

All the foreigners should dress up their face like him and scare the hell out of Taiwan.


“The history of the world is but the biography of great men.”
-Thomas Carlyle

“And then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on.”
-Mariah Carey

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So what is this guy’s superpower then? The power to be oblivious to what a cretin he is?


@discobot Is the tattoo guy a hero?

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

What is Face Tattoo Dude’s superpower?

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

Say something random @discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Do something wonderful, people may imitate it. — Albert Schweitzer

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Wouldn’t be awesome?

Not that random though.

@tempogain can’t you guys teach the discobot monkey some other tricks?

@discobot should I tattoo my face?

How could he get naturalized with a criminal record? There is no way that he walked free from the firebomb case. :open_mouth:

EDIT: A search on the Judicial Yuan database shows that “Paul” has 4 convictions and is as recently as August 2016 listed as “British national” in court documents. I doubt he was actually able to naturalise and become a ROC citizen - regardless of what he claims. In fact, in his latest case (105年度訴字第118號 for anyone who cares to look it up, it’s public information under ROC law) the judge even orders him deported. I am really not sure why he is still here.

EDIT 2: The Taiwan High Court overturned the District Court verdict in March this year and ordered “Paul” to undergo psychiatric counseling. Hence no deportation. The High Court verdict still mentions “Paul’s” nationality as UK however. Case number is 105年度上訴字第845號 for anyone who cares to read it.

@Mods: I am not sure whether the details in my post violate forum policy. I am not revealing Paul’s Forumosa ID, I am merely posting publicly accessible information maintained in the Judicial Yuan database.


As much as people want to joke. I hope he gets himself help. It seems like he is a alcoholic and is hitting bottom and it will only get worse if he doesn’t get help. I’ve seen too many alcoholics and addicts go down these kind of paths and eventually end up in jail or dead. Don’t know him but I hope he gets himself into treatment or at least the rooms of AA.

I’ve had 2 friends OD and died this year. A girl I knew died in her car and froze to death with a bottle of empty vodka in her hand last winter. This kind of thing is all to real to me. It’s really sad. Many of them are perfectly normal, smart and kind people. But when they began drinking and using. They just lose control.


Maybe his wife or someone hired a lawyer to present the case as such?

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