Feedback Wanted - Jacket for Legs

Hey there guys,
I was reading some of topics on this forum and i think you are the right people to ask- a lot of bike-people enthusiasts

It’s a jacket for legs meant to protect the user against rain. It’s easy to use, just like any jacket, but for legs instead of upper body. We made a landing page and a short video to prove the point.

Since people like you guys are some of our future users we would really like some feedback from you for the product we developed.
What is your general opinion on the product? Would you find it useful?
What would you improve?
Would you use such a product? If not, who would you recommend it to?

I know that this is my first post here, but we really appreciate your feedback; it will help us a LOT in succesfuly re-launching our product. (yeah, we kind of failed the first time)

More info about the product here:

Howdy, these remind me of the cowboy chaps when you put them on!

As a casual biker, I wouldn’t wear them, but that’s mainly because I’ll never wear rain pants while biking.

I think you should target the scooter riders. But one of the biggest problem is the zipper. Usually scooter rides need to put on the rain jacket/pants in a hurry. You really can’t beat putting in one leg after another and pulling up the pants.

The shoe protector function is neat, it’s embarrassing seeing scooter riders with plastic bags on their feet.

Also, how’s the waterproof quality? I know a lot of the cheap rain jacket/pants don’t last in the rain very long.

They look a bit bulky and non-aero for roadies to use. Bearing in mind that roadies don’t really care about their legs getting wet. I’ve never worn anything on a bike that extends past my knee.

I can see that being of greater use to scooter/motorcycle riders.

My only gripe: “Jacket for legs” sounds funky. Rainpants? (Assuming that’s not already trademarked- too lazy to check.) Maybe you could translate literally into Chinese for a name for the local market.

As a scooter commuter, this may be something I would be interested in. As a cyclist, I would not wear this. As a commuter cyclist, I would be kind of on the fence with this one. Here’s my break down:

From a scooter commuter stand point, I wouldn’t buy only a pair of pants. What about the other half of my body? I understand I can go out and buy a nice goretex jacket and stay warm AND dry, but for 1/3 of the price I can buy a jacket/pants set especially made for scooters. Don’t get me wrong though, there’s a tiny market for your pants amongst scooter riders. Girlfriends. I often see girlfriends without raincoats and hiding behind their bf’s jacket, leaving their legs exposed to rain.

As (road) cyclist, you’d probably have to pay me to wear something like while on the bike. Seems like it would be too bulky and heavy which would create drag and weigh me down. I would also have to bring it with me on rides and would not fit in my back pocket or my saddle bag. I have to imagine mtn bikers may feel the same since…they really don’t care if they get dirty or not, dirt/mud/rain all come with the hobby.

Lastly, as a commuter cyclist (which I’m not, but I’ll give you feedback on it), it really comes down to whether the commuter is commuting rain or shine. It’s been raining for the past 5-6 days in Taipei and I haven’t seen the 2-3 bike commuters on the road like I normally do. In Taipei, if it’s raining and you’re a scooter or bike commuter, there’s the option of MRT/bus/taxi to get to work. This is a little different for other cities in Taiwan!

I can imagine these pants would be very popular amongst hikers. I can imagine that it’s quite a competitive market for waterproof/breathable pants, but if they are warm, keep you dry and priced competitively, I don’t see why they wouldn’t do well in Taiwan. Lots and lots of hikers in Taiwan.