German old Mark association

So apparently there are people who are protesting that Germany hasn’t repaid old war bonds and have been fly Nazi flags around and have Nazi decals on the taxis. You would think they were nazis if you couldn’t read Chinese.

90 year old bonds…good luck with that.

I think the U.K made good on bonds from the 1700s before so. I’m guessing the bonds if paid would be a handsome sum, so why not?

There have been so many attempts over the last 70 years to get money for these bonds… Most of them were stolen by Russian soldiers iirc and they will not be paid out. As a bond owner you have to prove that they were purchased legally before the end of WW2. Good luck with that.

Are the bonds worth anything as a historic piece of paper? How much would you pay for one?

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I looked into them, it seems actual copies go for about 10-20 USD on the market for collectors that I saw.

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Yes, as Andrew said. The market for this would be mostly Germany/Europe itself, there are quite a few collectors. Just make sure you have a valid stamped bond together with the uncut coupons. If you have just one of the two it’s probably worthless.

Back at it again. They are protesting outside the European school, but it was the Japanese government that didn’t redeem the bonds, not the Germans. Very on script for Taiwanese not to blame Japan for any of the evil shit they did to Taiwan and find some other excuse instead.

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Well at least they’re giving the CCP ammunition do they, like their Russian pals, will be able to claim denazification as a bunk Casus Belli. Although CCK’s adopted son is already pretty good ammo, esp with that pic of him in the Wehrmacht uniform.

He added the court determined their behavior is considered freedom of expression

Better just to ignore 2 random people. I’m glad Taiwan hasn’t gone down the path of Europeans and banning “hate speech” nonsense.

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In Taiwan you can fly a nazi flag but if you flip someone off might be looking at jail time… not sure that is ideal either!


The insult laws has to go as well.

The 2 idiots clearly know what they’re doing. They want to get a reaction from everyone and make it a thing.

Let idiots fly the Nazi flag. Makes it easier for me to know who to avoid.

The swastika is the wrong way round (technically the right way). They might be Buddhists.

Is that cos the photo was taken from the back of the print?

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They might have knocked the flags up using a mirror.

Common misconception. Nazis did it both ways. Plenty of old photos on the interwebs if you care to look for them (just sayin’).

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Did they? Well, I’ve learnt something.

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