Greek wants to marry Taiwanese (and live there)

Hi all, nice to join your forum.
I have a Taiwanese girl, who i wanna marry to here in Greece and move with her to Taiwan.

I am Greek, she is Taiwanese, nobody has permanent visa for the other’s country.

So, my starter question is:

Here in Greece we dont recognize Taiwan, so their papers not as well.

How do i get the papers i need (proof of single, eligible for wedding, etc) from Taiwan?

I talked with their representative office here in Greece, their representative talked something about Hong Kong but i couldnt really understand him.

Anyone has more info?

[quote=“nikchris”]Hi all, nice to join your forum.
I have a Taiwanese girl, who i wanna marry to here in Greece and move with her to Taiwan.

I am Greek, she is Taiwanese, nobody has permanent visa for the other’s country.

So, my starter question is:

Here in Greece we dont recognize Taiwan, so their papers not as well.

How do I get the papers I need (proof of single, eligible for wedding, etc) from Taiwan?

I talked with their representative office here in Greece, their representative talked something about Hong Kong but i couldnt really understand him.

Anyone has more info?[/quote]

Most countries do not recognises Taiwan, yet they do accept documents issued by the Taiwan authorities. You might want to check that first.
What the representative you have talked to might have hinted at was getting married in Hong Kong. Marriages in Hong Kong only require a notarised declaration that you meet the requirements, i.e. not married at the moment. Hong Kong marriage certificates are recognised worldwide and Greece is a member to the Hague convention on apostilles, meaning that you will not even need to authenticate the certificate at the Greek consulate in Hong Kong.

Will i be able to get married in Taiwan?

My girl tells me that all i need is a visa that doesnt have the stamp on it.

Will i be able to get that???