is 1 hour enough time between flights in Macau?

Planning a visa run. Wondering if 1 hour between landing and check in times is enough time to get the stamp and leave again. or do I need to even get a stamp?
I am kinda new at this, thanks

If your “check in time” means 2 hours before the real departure time, then no problem.
Macau airport is tiny, only one terminal. 1 F arrival, 2 F departure.
If the plane lands on time, you will be standing in the arrival hall 35 minutes later, and taking the elevator up to 2 F makes it 40 minutes.
But always prepare for a flight delay or a long line at the immigration check point.
If I were you, I would make 1-day trip there.

And they stamp on your passport for both entry and leave, unlike the UK, where no one cares if you’re leaving.

It’s tiny as airports go, but there’s one huge annoyance if you have checked baggage: they inspect it before you check in, obviously slowing things down. :doh:

I assume you can skip the queue if you have only carry-on, but I can’t confirm that.

You’re right that you have to go through the security before you reach the check-in counters.
But that’s the only difference.