No Whites Allowed: The Lefty Segregationist Thread

The guy who ran my CRE training was a Latino man who identified as Black. :idunno:

AOC identifies as a woman of color.

Isn’t she? :idunno:

She looks white to me. I’m darker than she is.

I’m not implying anything. But continue reading into what I wrote or trying troll me.

Uhm…her name? :idunno:

I honestly don’t know. She was in the mob or whatever them three women were called.

Read the title of this thread. It’s literally called no white allowed. By posting that sometimes self segregation is self preservation…it is implying self segregation against white people is self preservation. I’m not reading into anything. It’s pretty much right there.

LOL. Yea. Ask Rachel Dolzel how that’s going.

Well there are Afro Latinos. :idunno::thinking::thinking:

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was a sarcastic comment.
both groups living in a fantasy world of who they want to be instead of living as who they are


:ok_hand:. Missed that. As @jdsmith has admonished me many times about not adding that /s I offer you the sage advice of how to avoid this in future. j/k :wink:

But if folks wanna call themselves purple and worship the Spaghetti God, I have no issues with that. I’m not paying their bills and if it makes them happy good. We need more happy folks on this Earth.

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She looks white Latino to me.

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He’s not one of them. If he were, I wouldn’t have brought it up.

I lack the creativity and flexibility of mind to understand what or why or how he claims to have done what he says he has done. My vocabulary and grammar are lacking I suppose, which btw was also why I don’t self identify before answering any simple question. Sadness:

I don’t understand the musical post and how it ties in. Need clarification pls.

Maybe he has African ancestry :idunno:. Seems to be a running theme with Borinquens I’ve met becuase they have a grandparent and/or parent who is black and they identify or acknowledge their black ancestry.

The only way to understand is to ask. But since you touched on that topic here’s a video I came across recently about identity.

A lot Latinos identify as POCs. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

If it’s about self-identification then Dolezal is black. Even though she isn’t.

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Hey, as long as I don’t have to foot the bill for her lifestyle…um, on second thought…

Her father was born in the Bronx to a Puerto Rican family and became an architect, while her mother was born in Puerto Rico.

Thus sprake Wikipedia.

Ah so she’s Borinquen!! Had me fooled. LOL.

According to wiki she also needs to be a native Spanish speaker. I’m not really sure what the rules about race now are, but it appears that color is irrelevant.