Now Americans can't go to...

Gosh! Next they’ll be telling us we can’t go to Syria either…

I think we are getting jaded by the moral outrage, Chris dove in with a well rehearsed and polished 10 on the moral outrage. However bereft of something anyone seems to give the slightest shit about or any attempt to engage in the facts related to the issue, seems to have received a slow clap.

I remember the day when moral outrage alone, when executed as masterfully as Chris has honed the art would at least generate a 5 in terms of engagement, with some posters.

That’ll teach them to keep their a/an vs. the straight.

Next up, the its/it’s offenders…

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And it won’t take long until we get to those their/they’re heretics!

Remember when 45 and Erdogan were best buds?

The age of moral outrage is drawing to a close. SJWs are a laughingstock. Before them, fundamentalists were the butt of jokes, but we could all pretend only those on the right were obsessed, paranoid, judgmental and intolerant killjoy hypocrites. Now we know it never had anything to do with a particular ideology. Puritans come in all flavors.

There’s something broken in some people’s souls and they look to control the world because they can’t integrate themselves. It’s all a vain attempt to make the whole world a huge safe space.

Cynicism is just another word for learning from experience that most of what comes out of peoples’ mouths is utter bullshit.

Me, I save my outrage for things that threaten me or something close to me, or at most - that threaten things or people who have earned my admiration. No delusions of empathy or some nebulous common good. I know it’s all a fraud, and Kumbaya sounds to me like the chant of the oppressor.

First they came for the socialists, and I said screw the socialists. After all, the socialists came for my wallet enough times, and I had to fight the bastards off.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I figured those guys love a good fight.

Then they came for the Jews, and I was disgusted that the Jews didn’t fight back.

Because when they come for me, my policy is to make them regret it.

Are you talking about history or just your fantasies about the future?

According to Turkey’s visa policy Taiwanese passport holders can enter by applying a (free) e-Visa online and can stay up to 30 days. As of now, if you’re visiting Turkey the only way you can go is enter with your Taiwanese passport.