Political Satire and Political Jokes - Part 3

[quote=“Chewycorns”]Ah, liberal hypocrisy exposed in such an erudite manner :bravo: :
It would be funnier if these weren’t based in strawmen.


Liberals can be every bit as absolutist in their morality as a right-wing fundamentalists are. E.g. “Nuclear weapons are bad, period” or “All war is wrong”. The idea that liberals reject absolute moral concepts like right and wrong is false.

I am glad American women have not experienced the increase in HIV cases. Back home, it is still the fastest growing group.

Tea Party Jesus takes outrageous rightwing quotes and asks, “What would that look like if Jesus said it?” Kind of funny.

“BBC is reporting that Venezuela may have massive oil reserves, more than even Saudi Arabia. You know what that means? We could have invaded closer to home and saved gas.” –Jay Leno

“But to be fair to President Bush, at the time we invaded Iraq, he thought Venezuela was a planet.” –Jay Leno

[quote=“Jaboney”]Tea Party Jesus takes outrageous rightwing quotes and asks, “What would that look like if Jesus said it?” Kind of funny.


Love these especially the first one!

[quote=“Dr. McCoy”]“BBC is reporting that Venezuela may have massive oil reserves, more than even Saudi Arabia. You know what that means? We could have invaded closer to home and saved gas.” –Jay Leno

“But to be fair to President Bush, at the time we invaded Iraq, he thought Venezuela was a planet.” –Jay Leno[/quote]


I absolutely love Non Sequitur.

George Obama

On August 10th, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said, “I hear these people saying he’s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested, I mean, it’s crazy.” In response, Cindy Sheehan has accepted the Obama White House challenge saying, “I will put my urine up against Gibbs’ any day, and in fact, will travel to Washington, DC to give him a fresh and warm sample–I actually think supporters of Obama should be tested for ‘Hopium’ in their urine, myself,” Sheehan continued. “Since Gibbs is a liar and a jerk, I will challenge him to a pee-off.” (quote source, More on Hopium and Hypocritium)

Obama Hopium Hypocritium Pee-off! Funny indeed!

It’s the Onion, so I know it’s supposed to be a joke. But it reads like so much apparently serious people post in IP. :ponder:

[quote=“The Onion”]Local man Scott Gentries told reporters Wednesday that his deliberately limited grasp of Islamic history and culture was still more than sufficient to shape his views of the entire Muslim world.

Gentries, 48, said he had absolutely no interest in exposing himself to further knowledge of Islamic civilization or putting his sweeping opinions into a broader context of any kind, and confirmed he was “perfectly happy” to make a handful of emotionally charged words the basis of his mistrust toward all members of the world’s second-largest religion.

“I learned all that really matters about the Muslim faith on 9/11,” Gentries said in reference to the terrorist attacks on the United States undertaken by 19 of Islam’s approximately 1.6 billion practitioners. “What more do I need to know to stigmatize Muslims everywhere as inherently violent radicals?”

“And now they want to build a mosque at Ground Zero,” continued Gentries, eliminating any distinction between the 9/11 hijackers and Muslims in general. “No, I won’t examine the accuracy of that statement, but yes, I will allow myself to be outraged by it and use it as evidence of these people’s universal callousness toward Americans who lost loved ones when the Twin Towers fell.”
Gentries explained that it “didn’t take long” to find out as much about the tenets of Islam as he needed to. He said he knew Muslims stoned their women for committing adultery, trained for terrorist attacks at fundamentalist madrassas, and believed in jihad, which Gentries described as the thing they used to justify killing infidels.

“All Muslims are at war with America, and I will resist any attempt to challenge that assertion with potentially illuminating facts,” said Gentries, who threatened to leave the room if presented with the number of Muslims who live peacefully in the United States, serve in the country’s armed forces, or were victims themselves of the 9/11 attacks. “Period.”

Undecided voters, The Family Guy.


[quote=“Dr. McCoy”]Undecided voters, The Family Guy.


If only she’d promised “Hope and Change” too she would have had my vote for sure. Now I’m not so sure.

Yes, we can?

Yes, we can?[/quote]

Visual aids are a big help for the hardcore undecided. Who could possibly be against Change We Can Believe In except evil rich people?

realclearpolitics.com/video/2010 … scene.html