Scotland Independence from UK

When do the English get to vote for independence from the Scottish?

It seems there is going to be a shake up, and more decentralization. The Scots get their wish for more autonomy, but Wales, N.Ireland and England are going to get similar rights, which is quite right.

What about Cornwall? :cry:

[quote=“headhonchoII”]55% to 45%, not a whole lot in it considering they were voting for independence or not! This wasn’t your regular switch your President vote. There were some areas like Glasgow that voted for independence, perhaps they should secede immediately like the British government managed to fix with Northern Ireland. :astonished:
Young people voted over 70% for independence. It’s not a resounding vote although it is clear.[/quote]

Only 4 areas of 32 had a yes majority. The 70% of young people stat comes from a snapshot exit poll in 1 station.

W’ever, I won’t get into a fight in somebody else’s sandpit. We got ours. :bow: (or at least most of it)

So David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband have promised the Scottish control over everything except military and foreign affairs. Scotland just voted itself to be a UK SAR.

Yeah, it’s kind of bizarre.

The BBC are very serious about keeping Scotland close to the English bosom. The new time travel series ‘Outlander’ is based in Scotland, and the new Doctor in Doctor Who is a Gallifreyan with 2 hearts who in every other way, looks and sounds Scottish.

I suspect this is what turned the tide of independence.

This is actually disturbing. So much for cleanliness on the election.

Yeah, smoking gun evidence, presented from the bedroom of some guy who sounds like he still lives with his mother.

How do we know the guy filling in paperwork was ticking in the yes or the no box?

How do we know the NO sign on the box means that all the NO ballots should have been put in there? I’m sure officials wouldn’t leave things like that lying around - someone would have called them on it, and not only one person.

The woman placing the ballots seemed like she had no idea what she was doing. There will always be discrepancies either way do to concentration errors and other human error.
Selective news: It’s very interesting how things can be portrayed out of context.

Smoking gun? More like smoking crack pipe. :smiley:

Thix was cleared up almost immediately. No conspiracy, sorry.

British Government. There is no English government.

Unclear on the concept of independence…

Well, this will start an interesting discussion - although at this late date, not a timely one. Referenda have consequences. They had their chance to be free of the UK and enslaved to the EU.

Me, I say independence to any and all who can handle it and have the guts to assert it. But you can’t have it both ways.