Sending Money to the States

Hello Everyone,

Hope this post finds everyone well. Quick question. I want to send money to a US bank account from my Taiwanese bank account. Is my only option wire transfer? I tried doing it with a Paypal account but couldn’t find a way to link my Taiwanese bank to my PP account. With all the apps and technology these days, I’d hate to have to resort to wire transfer and its fees. Many thanks!

Did you do a search on this site first? There’s a lot of talk about it before.

Wire transfer is your safest option.

If you are adventurous and don’t mind operating in a legal grey area, you can try bitcoin.

I didn’t think wire transfer was that expensive. You usually get a better exchange rate than cash. Not sure about paypal’s rate.

Thanks for the info. I did initially try to do a search on this topic before posting, but was surprised not to find anything. Perhaps I didn’t use the correct key words, jaja. Thanks again!

Give it to me, I’ll make sure it doesn’t accidentally make its way into my wallet. :wink: