SEP 05 Havana 15 (2015 哈瓦那泳池派對): The Return of Robi Roka and Dallas Waldo + Mr. Blends + Aurelius + Capoeira

Rain sucks! Let’s hope good ol’ Mother Nature eases up on us this week because we’ve got a stacked bill.


Robi Roka
After a year of being away, Mr. Roka is back and ready to blast people into the next universe with his sounds

Dallas Waldo
For a month, Waldo has been on the road in China checking out the scene and coming up with big plans for the future. Catch his first show back this week.

Mr. Blends
Straight outta Tainan, Blends knows how to one drop those reggae tunes that always sound so good at the pool.

As the fourth member of House of Pain but quite before they blew up, MA is known to put on his shit kickers and kick some shit.

Capoeira Camara Taiwan Demo (台灣卡波耶拉 卡馬拉 團隊)
From 330-4, check out a Capoeira demo and talk to the team afterwards if you are interested in joining with them

Do you like Poutine? Do you like some other amazing treats like homemade mac and cheese or club sandwiches? Havana is working with our favorite restaurant, Whalens to bring you two great deals on Saturday until September 19
Go in anytime on Saturdays and show that you posted this on your facebook wall, and get 10 percent off anything.
2. Go after midnight (WHALEN’s is OPEN 24 HOURS on the weekends) on Saturday (and before 8am) and show off your #havana2015 tattoo and get a free beer (Moosehead/San Miguel) when you purchase a late night meal.
So go to Whalens. A lot. Like we all do. It’s so good and there are so many damn good things on the menu that I might go there for the second time this week already.
2.你知道在週末的時候,味鄰都是24小時營業的嗎?憑您身上當天哈瓦那泳池派對的紋身貼紙,就可以在星期六半夜12點到隔天早上8點間,用餐獲得一杯免費的啤酒唷(San Miguel 生力 或是 Moosehead 麋鹿頭)!


Sept 12 Latin Day with P-LaLa and Cola

Sept 19 GRAND FINALE with Nekbrace, Uppity, Anti-Hero and more(Afterparty at Triangle)


In their ninth year, frog in a sock’s Havana Pool Parties are the ultimate in summertime fun. We strive to make sure we have a wide variety of amazing music, great drinks at affordable prices, and friendly faces.

洛德城堡 Road Castle 是坐落於台北市中心一處驚奇的滑水道水上樂園, 泳池、飄飄河、高空滑水道、漂亮健康的日光浴草坪、還有能夠遮雨遮日的寬敞舞池。


洛德城堡 Road Castle is an amazing venue located in the heart of Taipei with waterslides, pools, a lazy river, a grassy knoll, and a great covered area to dance the day away.

To get the party started properly, we have FREE BEER from 12pm to 2pm.

$300 entrance ($200 for students)

Drink specials all day!
鳴謝贊助商 Special shout out to our sponsors
Pioneer DJ Taiwan
BABI Corp - 寶貝國際
Ron Abuelo Taiwan - 阿布爺洛 巴拿馬蘭姆酒
886 Brewing Co.
@Jose Cuervo Tequila Taiwan 金快活龍舌蘭酒

Location in the heart of Taipei (4 minute walk from Guanguan MRT)


have capoeira in taoyuan