Slogans to stir the heart!

[quote=“bababa”]The English slogans you see on T-shirts here are sometimes so inappropriate I can’t help wondering who chose to print them - did they know what the slogan meant, and are playing a practical joke on their fellow Taiwanese citizens, or do they really have no clue?

As I mentioned in my previous post. The picture looked innocent enough, but once the words were actually read and my friend took a closer look at the picture he said it was quite clear that the bunnies were up to something innapproriate on a child’s shirt.

I am sure that there are a lot of mistakes out there as I have read slogans that just don’t make sense, spelling so bad that they aren’t even words and grammar that just makes me laugh.

But when you get grammatically correct sentences, with correct spelling and what would be to many an offensive or innappropriate message then I think there’s a little foul play at hand. I wouldn’t be quick to dismiss wai-guo-rens being invovled. Seems like the police should do a little research into the types of people doing this printing. It might be a sign of other innapropriate activities going on.