Strange News stories week of 12/8 regarding soy sauce?, water and a rolling car.

I’m not sure where to post this. We need a local current events or WTF am I seeing on TV news that’s not in the paper forum.

The first story seems to be about bottle water or a new kind of cup that looks like a driver’s no spill sippy cut. The person on the news shakes a bottle of water and pours it into this special cup. Then there are pictures of a chemical data sheet. I could not get a look but it could be plasticizing chemicals. Then there is a cut to a news conference.

The next on I saw had to do with soy sauce. They compared a small bottle to some gigantic bottles and how many milligrams of something was in it. There were cuts of people dipping and cooking things in the sauce. And there was a news conference.
The other new story seems to be about cars being pushed or rolled down ramps of a parking garage. I saw one go down the ram and crash into the wall. An other video show a guy trying to get into the car to try to stop it but ends up smashing into the wall.

The last story is about a guy who drove his car into a road that got suddenly narrow and lodged his car into the space between two buildings.

That may be a good idea. For now, the soy sauce mystery is explained in the latest post here: Food scandal/food scare thread

Thanks, water story had some things about PH in it. I’m not sure if that cup was some sort of filter. It was on CTV new.