Super bowl

This is like the 2nd/3rd AM Football game I have watched but it’s super good.

Both QB are killing it.

Game is good. The commercials are fucking awful though. Unfunny, self-conscious ads with sell-out celebs and indie movie budgets hawking shitty phone plans and stale chips, mixed in with some cop-out teasers for summer blockbuster trailers that won’t even properly premiere until they’re on Kimmel and Fallon later on in the week. Superbowl commercials were clever once upon a time, now they’re just like that kid in school who tries too hard to get a laugh but just seems desperate and sad.

I followed the score and am glad the Eagles won (just out of principal), but most of all I’m looking forward to seeing the Solo and Avengers trailers when I get a free moment.

That old Tom Brady guy fucked it at the death lol what a n00b, younger QB (29) did way better and won the World Championship.

well, while I did want Eagles to win, only because I did not want Patriots to win a 6th super bowl, it’s hard to count Brady out at the end. More outstanding is the Eagles QB, who is actually second-string, because their starting QB got injured just before the playoffs.

I bet Philadelphia Eagles win.

That was fun. :grin:

So LeGarratte Blount gets a ring for two years running (no pun intended), last year’s with the Patriots.

Great name, Blount, because he is in fact a blunt instrument at the line of scrimmage. In this game particularly, NE could have used him because the run game wasn’t really gelling. Modern game uses the pass to set up the run (used to be the other way around) and defenses plan around it. Blount makes any team he plays for much harder to defend because he can go old skool and in the fourth quarter defenses just aren’t fresh enough to contain a big powerful runner.

So the Pats let Blount go to free agency a year ago, he lands in Philly, doesn’t do much … but has a predictably big game in the Super Bowl and against his old team. Brings home the bling.

Any other organization and some heads would likely roll on that decision last year. Belichick’s not even going to get a minor hole in his hoody over it. Writing may be on the wall for the Patriots.

Was a great game. Almost no punts and sacks. Both offensive lines were awesome. It’s easy to hate on Brady. One reason why I am not a big fan of him is that he’s only good when protected well. I prefer watching QBs who are able to do creative stuff when needed, like Rodgers and Wilson, outsmarting or outrunning the defenders.

Play of the game was of course the TD reception by Noles. No one expected him to be so good, maybe even better than Wentz? Was surprised/relieved that the two touchdowns by the Eagles were confirmed by the refs. The commentators saw it differently and it would not have surprised me if close calls would have gone the Patriots’ way. The rules of the NFL are more than confusing. How could the flying TD not have been a TD?

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Replay has really made things excessively confusing. Things usually hinge on the question of possession, or control of the ball. If the player does not have control of the ball at a critical point, a pass can be ruled incomplete, and therefore a touchdown can’t be scored. The first one was pretty close–the way they’re calling things now–but I thought the player had control when his second foot came down, making it a valid TD. The second call didn’t seem to be in question.

It’s gotten out of hand, with TDs hinging on minor things like if a player was switching the ball from hand to hand to get a better grip, rather than what should be a more logical concept of possession where once the player has caught it, he has it.

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The game’s original sin is the yardage chains, used to measure if an offense has gained the necessary 10 yards to kick off a new set of downs. As high-definition television signals came into more and more homes, the less and less common sense was used in this area. And of course less and less common sense was used to determine if a touchdown had been scored (ball breaks the plane of the end zone).

HD tv has spawned a new era of more lawyerly football, unfortunately, bringing the game to a grinding halt. The NFL has allowed HD replays so far into the rules committee that now even league officials are no longer sure what is, and what is not a reception.

I don’t really seen any relief on the horizon, unfortunately.

Btw, that hit on Cooks was vicious. They better train their neck muscles, cause a normal pedestrian would not have taken that hit without a spine injury of sorts.

Glad the pats didn’t win.

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I’m a bit glad I’m not in the US today. Every year I have to go with some friends to watch the super bowl even though I don’t really care. I love playing American football. Some of my fondest memories are me running 2 a days in the Texas heat. And the love of the game all started when I moved and my mom signed me up for “football” camp… wrong kind and I was like wtf is going on. But I really wasn’t into all the crazyness of it.

Happy for him. What a beautiful upset.

This once-upon-a-time Boston kid gives literally no fricks about the Patriots.

But god is it fun watching my Facebook feed of people who CARE SO MUCH.

I moved to Seattle the week before the Sounders lost to the Patriots on some terrible play, and a few coworkers were shooting daggers eyes at me the next day. So I go up to them and say “guys, yes I am from Boston, but I literally didn’t even watch the game. I don’t care. At all.”

We were friends after that.



Just got finished watching it finally. Wow, what a game. There hasn’t been a Super Bowl this fun to watch in years. Not a dull moment in the whole game, and great play on both sides. Noles did an amazing job, considering the pressure he must have been under. Great eye for the field and fast, precise passing even on the move. The Patriots also did a great job climbing out of that hole in the second half, but Brady was definitely showing his age.

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It’s not every day you see a game with one punt.

Super bowl? What’s this? I only know about the Grey Cup.