The Australian teenager who woke up from a coma speaking Mandarin

I’ve read about his before, but there’s an actual interview.

So this Australian teen got into a car accident and went into a comma for about a week. He had taken some beginner Chinese classes at school, and when he came out from his comma, he saw a nurse who is ethnic Chinese. He decided to speak with her in Mandarin, and all his internal dialogue became in Mandarin, and for a short while he could only think, speak, and write Chinese.

It’s all very fascinating, but he said when he speaks Mandarin, he speaks it in a higher voice. I’ve always found that interesting.

so all i need to do is have a car crash and all this chinese ive been trying to learn for years is finally going to click?

I went into a comma once and came out a colon…:laughing:

I’ll be here all week.

I went into a colon once and came out an asshole.

Pretty shit joke reallly. Sorry, I’m just passing through.

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Interesting incident.
Been here for quite some time and my boss keep complaining that our communication are poor. Of course she is Taiwanese and am from other planet.

She speak fluent Chinese and I reply her in English.
I speak in broken Chinese and she reply me in English.

Communication gap as she always says.

Sleeper agent?