The EU death watch thread

The great thing about Macron is he’s not establishment. The establishment was given the bum’s rush in the first round.

The bad thing is he’s not anti-establishment enough, in the one or two ways that matter a hell of a lot.

I’d say “baby steps…” except extinction is breathing down their all-too-collective neck. There just isn’t time to be slow learners.

Charles Martel emerged because the times called for him. If the times call for another such, much will already have been destroyed. Europe keeps trying to grapple with its past, and keeps missing the point of the lesson therein. They just don’t get this whole freedom thing. So they oscillate between manorialism and postmodernism - the two poles of eurostupidity

It was the Anglo-Saxons who invented freedom. Athens tried, but they didn’t quite get the formula right. Faith in democracy puts the cart before the horse. You have to have liberty under law before you can have and keep democracy. And before you can have liberty under law, you have to have a pragmatic and anti-stupid culture. This is what the SJW crowd are undermining.

What’s Dieter doing these days?