The narratives about Trump thread

Oh, god! I hope I won’t lose my medical license over this!

Look people, we can talk till we’re blue in the face about Trump but that aint getting us nowhere, so I’ll use a visual, a symbol of why Donald Trump is the president of the United States of America…

I give you…

“Dismantling White Supremacy in East Asia”

Enjoy :rofl:

That was cringeworthy. Although I will say that white foreigners face a much easier time in at least taipei than south Asian immigrants. White foreigners are often discriminated in many ways here. But in some ways white foreigners do enjoy certain benefits. I think that’s a real conversation we can have whether you agree or not. But she can’t seem to form one articulate thought that makes you think.

Until the divorce when they might be left with the clothes on their back and an astonished look of “ what happened? I thought I had the upper hand”.

JFK apologized for the Bay of Pigs. That was a hell of a long time ago. It went into the history books because it’s the sort of thing that just isn’t done.

Since then, the closest thing was Jimmy Carter’s infamous malaise talk. He admitted things were shit but he didn’t make the logical connection to himself. The audience made that connection, though.

The average citizen is plenty ignorant about history and politics, and nothing The Donald says is more wrong that the sort of things liberals say.

I’ll subject him to standards, but not to a double standard. If he says he’s been to all 57 states, we’ll have parity.

We talk about Hillary because she won’t shut up. She’s out there plugging her What The Fuck Happened book, and not admitting any real fault at all. That would be standard practice if she were running for something, but her whole political career is over. It’s not over because she wouldn’t admit fault to you and me. it’s over because she wouldn’t admit fault to herself - and still won’t.

You just do your thing and let the haters hate. Keep your frame intact.

That’s what got him through the election.

A pattern I’ve noticed: those who are most prone to demanding apologies are least disposed to accepting them with good grace. It makes me doubt their motives in making the demand.

I’ve also noticed that the people who demand lots of apologies don’t offer lots of apologies.

Me, I neither demand apologies (except in jest) nor offer them (except in jest.) I don’t play that game.

Good god that woman is stupid. It’s not really her fault though. This is the product of an American college education these days. She would’ve ended up much smarter if she’d dropped out of high school.

She seriously believes that white people in Taiwan have much greater opportunities than “people of color” (I assume she considers herself one of those) do in the U.S. That must be why there are no people of color in positions of power in the U.S., and why Taiwan just elected its first white president.

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Tsai is lighter in hue than a lot of “white” people in the US.

I don’t understand what his supporters hope to get from him. As far as I can tell all he has done so far is making them feel good. The beneficiaries of his policies will be most likely the rich and big corporations.

Bottom line is will the lives of middle class white Americans in red states improve or not? Will there be more jobs, better health care, better education, less crime, less natural disasters, less terrorism?

If that clown of a president will achieve any of the above, it will be a miracle.

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And also darker than a lot of “black” people.

I’m not the one accepting his apology for everyone. my real issue with him is his childish behavior. For most people, they can be dicks and say dumb stuff and behave like a child and it’s whatever. But he’s the president. His behavior actually influences things on the grand scale. It’s really concerning when he makes comments about John McCain being captured as a pow and goes on twitter rants attacking name calling people.

But his supporters don’t care about that. They don’t care he doesn’t act presidential. They just like what he stands for. Back to the good ole days. Which can be a lot of different things for a lot of people. For some, its jobs that globalization took. For others it’s more scary, back to a less tolerant time.

They don’t care if he achieves anything. Most of them just like hearing about how he’s going to make America great again. And he’s got the great excuses of how obama messed things up for him, the media is fake news, the democrats are working against him and so on. They just care about what he stands for him their mind. He might not be an actual racist but many of his supporters are. He’s the personification of how the anger towards how the world changed and they can’t adapt. He’s the cure for obama, and some even the savior from the black president from Kenya that’s a Muslim. He stands for a lot of scary things for a lot of people.

You’re not aware that there are already signs of improvement in the employment situation for these classes?

I’d wait at least two years before attributing anything like that to the efforts of a new administration. Let’s see at the end of next year.

The eight years before that are a big part of why he was elected.

It’s also why I distrust government statistics. But I talk to people and I get corroboration this time around.

Seriously? It’s one thing not to agree with politicians, political parties and their supporters, it’s another thing completely not to understand them at all. After nearly 2 years I’m not sure if I should be impressed or depressed.

While @Andrew0409 seems to have figured out Trump supporters completely, although his version isn’t far off Hillarys version of a bunch of deplorables, racist and sexist.

Nearly a year on after the election and you guys understand none of it? how do you avoid hearing opposing viewpoints?

Before you ask, the answer is no. If you can’t see some of the reasons people voted for trump and I accept you are posting in good faith, there is no way I could explain it to you either.

it really isn’t. Some of her supporters are really put me off the democratic party. I hated this election and don’t really support either party much besides some on both sides with some damn reason.

There is part of the reason you don’t understand Trump. Yes both parties are assholes, but they (at the top levels) are globalists. They are wall street guys, Trump is main street.

You are expressing an understanding that Clinton was a very flawed candidate, thank you for cutting down the words needed to explain that.Clinton being such a bad candidate was enough reason for many to vote Trump.

But if you hadn’t noticed Trump is also at loggerheads with the McCains of his party. Why? Because the McCains were neck deep in the same shit Obama and Hillary were into. with regard Sryia and Libya and many other globalist agenda items like the TPPA and now renegotiation of NAFTA.

There is literally trillions of dollars on the line.

edit/ Just to add, the globalist agenda has never been challenged because both parties advanced it. But plenty of people are opposed to it.

edit 2/ Trump jr. tweets this. Don’t you guys get this at all?

From the point of view of the condemned building, the wrecking ball is a disaster.

From the point of view of the swamp, attempts to drain the swamp are an existential threat.

From the point of view of the rest of us, screw them.