The narratives about Trump thread

And in his video apology later, he said: “I’ve said some foolish things. But there’s a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims.”

This is what I’m talking about.

There is a big difference between having made objectionable statements and being unfit (as in unqualified) because of an apparent lack of… well almost everything that should be required to qualify.

He doesn’t no anything about health care, tax reform, foreign relations… you name it and you know it. Listen to what comes out of his mouth and ask yourself, “does he really know what he is talking about?”

Is it a false statement?

Yeah, he should have learned about foreign relations by his predecessor. He was such an enlightened leader.

Fine with me, he should have learned from Bush or Reagan, also fine. He should have stayed in show biz, even better. That’s where he belongs and a lack of qualification can be ignored as long as you appear to be strong and confident.

Regardless of the truth of it. And I’ll give you that it’s true to move the conversation forward. Isn’t the purpose of the video an apology for his statement and not about the clintons?

All I’m hearing is trying to normalize or even justify his faults and incompetence by deflecting to other people. It’s about him. Not anyone else. I don’t care if obama was the worst president ever. Guess what, he’s the president now. He needs solutions not pointing fingers at everyone else. If he didn’t want the job because everyone made it so damn hard and impossible for him, don’t run for the presidency.

Guys guys guys…have you ever been around a pack of randy wild women in your life? I’ve heard much much worse from women in my life.

He was a rich celebrity and surely you’ve seen the footage of hordes of screaming women throwing themselves at celebrities…and the host was one of those bouncy jumpity types that feeds on the locker room talk, whatever that is. You know the type come on.

“Sexual predator” please!

Keep talking and thinking this way and Trump will definitely win his 2nd term

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So if he doesn’t apologize he;s the worst, and if he does apologize he’s doing it for political purposes so he’s the worst…dafuq is he supposed to do?

No, normalizing this behavior is what will let him win his second term. I’ve been an athlete all my life and been in a lot of locker rooms. Do we talk about women. Yeah. But never sexually assaulting people. The older guys would have shit on me if I said something like that and the same if a young blood made the team and started talking that way.

A simple apology without making it about anyone else.

Keep talking Andrew…you’re talking the guy right into 2nd term. Republicans love this stuff. Makes me want to be a Republican listening to this nonsense

One that stings every time I hear it is the “he mocked a disabled reporter”. A simple Google search is all it takes to see that’s simply not true.
So the “facts first” thing goes both ways, both parties are guilty.
CNN has no leg to stand on.

Holy crap, I almost forgot about that one xD


Interesting. I’ve heard much more graphic talk when you get guys in a group, both in and out of the locker room. Same goes for the ladies. They like to talk about tearing guys’ clothes off and ravishing them. In the end, it’s all just talk. And Trump said women let you grab them by the pussy when you’re a star. That’s an observation, not a sexual assault. All the fake moral outrage just gets tiring after a while.

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Are you normalizing Weinstein???


All this I’ve heard worse, others do it, CNN is fake news, oh it’s just locker room talk justification just gets tiring.

That’s different. Weinstein is on tape admitting to actual sexual assault.

That’s a completely valid argument. Unfortunately, I already accused you of normalizing Weinstein’s behavior, and since it’s current year, you should resign.

Oh I disagree…I find your stance on it tiring, boring, mind numbing

Without evidence of actual wrongdoing, it’s nothing more than a political smear, which should be pretty obvious from the timing of when the tape was released to the media.