The oddest foreigner you've met here -- share your story

You must be kidding, right?
He responded to a perfectly legitimate-looking ad in an appropriate way (for that kind of ad). So you guys were definitely the weirdos.

Oh, 38, how stupendously clever of you. Your little troll for chit chat was quite amusing. I hope it saved you from an afternoon of boredom.

But the affable guys that we both are, we struck up a friendship immediately[/quote]

If this is the way you post about your “friends,” I can say with certainty that I am glad that we are not friends.

Somehow sending a nude photograph of yourself to a total stranger doesn’t seem, well, a bit like asking for it to you?
I suppose you are someone who searches for ICQ women by sending them a picture of your penis. I hear that works every time too. :unamused:

Unfortunately I was not blessed with a penis.
Maybe I could borrow yours for an ICQ experiment, and we’ll see if it works every time. :smiley:

I’m with TwoNavels on this one, Wolf. Planting bogus personal ads for your own amusement is totally lame, and then to humiliate the guy… nah.

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The China Post used to run this “two Chinese girls looking for language exchange” type ad which ran for a long time. I heard that was bogus as well, that it was two guys doing it for fun and they’d come across people they knew.

Nick! He was a resident of Formosa I for several months, too. He was a pretty nice kid. He arrived in Taipei speaking hardly a word of English and after a few months living with us he started teaching (English) privates and kindygardeners - amazing ear for languages. He used to spend about an hour in the bathroom dancing in front of the mirror to Michael Jackson songs. I heard that he moved onto Japan to persue that career in male prostitution. He was only about 20 years old.

Ha. The communal fridge. I think all of us, at least at Formosa I got pissed when people would nick food. In fact young Nick, was one of the worst nickers of food. He never had any money.

I met the Canadian “yahctsman” a few times. I’ve done some blue water sailing, and 5 minutes talking to him convinced me that he was completely full of shit. What a weird thing to embelish about yourself.

And yeah, Taipei Hostel was sorta down by the Train Station.

Very true, Alien (and Klaxon) - among the smattering of oddjobs who seem to gravitate to the hostels, there are some great people, too. Some of my best friends, to this day, are people I met at either Happy Family or Formosa. And, like Alien, all of my ex-hostelmates eventually moved out to apartments, got married, and made a viable long-term life for themselves in the ROC.

I think you’re right, the really extreme cases seem to end up either in jail, dead, or move on.

Ladybird - what a terrible experience. This PoPo guy seems like a front runner for weirdest weirdo of all.

Somehow I guess that you aren’t hanging at Vibe to the wee hours anymore.

Mna, I was going to mention Popo. I met him at an happy hour (the 1st and last one I have gone to). He started talking to me at the bar while I was ordering a beer and while the conversation escapes me, I do remember the only thing running through my head then was “Run away! Run away from the creep!” If I remember right, it was rather innocuous, more verbal diarrhea than anything outwardly creepy, but there was a vibe coming off him that made me feel uncomfortable.

He’s definitely the weirdest foreigner I’ve met. Well, asided from the the Hawaiian-print wrapped chunk of lard who tried to push through a crowd of people trying to get off a bus and when I tried to point out that boarding was at the front of the bus where everyone else was getting on, he replied, “What are you? The fucking director?” Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…What a loser. Probably was on his way to Roxy. Actually, he’s not the weirdest person, but I keep posting this story in hopes that he might see it and realize what a tool he is. “Fucking director?” Ha ha ha ha ha ha…that tops my list of pathetic insults, and that includes anything I heard in elementary school from inbred redneck spawn. :laughing:

Hey, you’ve never sent me a picture of your penis ! I feel neglected and cheated. :cry:

I’m surprised that anyone who sees a foreigner working in a Subway would think it was strange. My first thought on seeing the foreigner who works at the Subway was that he must be the boss.

Did the Hawaiian-print chunk of lard happen to work for ICRT? Just curious, because I’ve met a few, um, people who work for ICRT.

Maybe that’s why he was obssessed with me being a director…hmmm… Didn’t think to ask him, he was too busy knocking elderly Taiwanese women out of his way so he could get on a bus faster than everyone who was lining up properly.

The oldest foreigner I’ve met here? That’s easy - Sandman.

Oh, wait - this thread is “The ODDEST foreigner you’ve met in Taiwan”. Damn, misread the title… :blush:

Though I only lived in the Formosa II for a few days on my arrival in Taiwan - my sponsor later moved me to swankier digs at the Taipei Teachers Hostel near the AIT Culture Center - I managed to meet the oddest foreigner of my Taiwan experience there. I’m guessing many of you who have spent some time at the Formosa know of Fat John - as we called him. Apparently from Michigan originally but resident in South Korea and then Taiwan (mostly at the Formosa II) for the better part of a decade, Fat John’s life alternates between teaching English in Taipei and whoring in Bangkok which he talks about incessantly to any and all unfortunate enough to be sitting in the Formosa living room when he is present. He is also an armchair Marxist and claimed to bring poems on the subject to the Vietnamese Rep Office in Taipei for review

Fat and Hawaii shirts and you draw the conclusion that they might work or have worked before at ICRT. Hahaha…you really do know people there. A lot of them are fat and from Hawaii!

this is probably the most enjoyable thread i have read


Did he sign off every email with, “I hope you get this mam, hit me back just to chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Stan”

I met this guy at the first happy hour I attended. He was odd, but it was that cool odd. It was funny because he brought this police scanner thing with him and he kept messing around with it. Then while I’m sitting down a table he comes over and says “I must make an attemp to be social” and sits down. I try to break the ice and say “What are you drinking?” and he says (I’ll never forget this) “H20. I’ve only been been drinking H20 since I was 2…0” :laughing:

Then he told me about his interesting career, growing bananas and his decision to retire now instead of later. The subject of rap music also got brought up and I remember him asking me what a 64 was. All in all it was a good time.

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