The Taiwan Weather Thread 2017

Evil as all shit out there. I’ve never seen Taipei so dark in the daytime.

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I take it you’ve never been in Taipei when a typhoon rolls through.

How dare you. I’ve lived through more typhoons than any man here and I have the scars to prove it.

Of all the unmitigated effrontery!
Not only that, but you’ve lived through them in the Special Place, where, as is known, typhoons are generally 0.5 to 30% more intense than where these rubes habituate.
Frankly, I’m appalled.

No doubt it’s some wack weather out there.
This morning on the way in I was in sunlight and could actually see a rainstorm ahead.
I drove into it and about 3 minutes later drove right out the other side.
Pretty fucked up, man.

In Taipei New City 三芝

Wow, that’s crazy. How does the bus fill up like that?

On the bright side the air quality seems to be unusually good now, although it has already been fine for the last days.

Soaked…even the goretex couldn’t protect me from this downpour. Had to park the scooter under an overpass while water literally poured like a bucket out of the sky.

North and north eastern towns have cancelled class AND work. This is pretty insane.

Getting hard rain here near Zhongshan MRT. I went out to save my helmet attached to the scooter and came back drenched. I almost regret not buying take out with the ah yi’s today.

Guys news: check out lists for No work, no class. It has started. Tamsui, Shimen, Sanzhi, Wanli in New taipei.

Miaoli: Taian township, no class

More to come

Where are all selfies of you guys getting wet??!!

Hey, you got a link?
Mine are all 'phoon notifications

So would you say you broke on through to the other side?

Is that a drug reference?
It sounds like a drug reference.

Sorry, pal, I’m high on life.
I take my trips on the bus!
Hugs, not drugs!!
Dope is for dopes!!


Sounds like Rocket found my stash again. Get high on your own supply, broham!

Guys check Cell Broadcast. You should have received a rainstorm alert.

New Taipei city: NO CLASS NO WORK

Heavy rain alert, high possibility of landslides and storm surges

In Danshui: definitely the most water I’ve ever seen on the ground here - mind you, I don’t normally walk around during typhoons!

What’s the link these days for closures? The one I had bookmarked doesn’t seem to be working.

EDIT: Re: alerts, I got a heavy rainstorm alert on my cellphone early this morning (around 4am?), but nothing since then.

Is there a website for this?

Is this like effective immediately???[quote=“Icon, post:296, topic:158028, full:true”]
Guys check Cell Broadcast. You should have received a rainstorm alert.

New Taipei city: NO CLASS NO WORK

Heavy rain alert, high possibility of landslides and storm surges

I’ve heard that my school in Danshui is cancelled for the rest of today, but I’m trying to confirm that.

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Videos from Tamsui and Jinshan新北豪雨 金山三芝部分水淹及膝-001840521.html

My boss saw that in yahoo. Looking for linkie

0602 水災快訊】EOC二級開設


因豪大雨所致,#石門、#金山、#三芝、#淡水、#萬里、 #八里 預測累積雨量達停班停課標準,今(2)日即刻起停班停課,請儘量在家勿輕易外出。



圖片來源: 天氣即時預報

From Facebook. Lots of angry people.