TW govt to get tougher on drunk driving

This is her 3rd strike already. I don’t see that punishments aimed at reform and rehabilitation work with her (or other repeat offenders of drunk driving). Death penalty is the only way to protect society from her.

she has to get drunk for her job so she ends up killing someone from drunk driving. such a taiwanese story.

A New Power Party member is in the news today after pointing out that up to 40% of drunk drivers in Taiwan are re-offenders. He also named several legislators as being among the number.

death penalty? No. But years in the slammer that can NOT be converted into a fine. That could have more value. 5 years in a cell for example has a way to detox an alkey.

So is it zero tolerance now? Don’t even consider getting behind the wheel an hour after having one beer at dinner zero, I mean?

weird, as I have had several xiajies who work in those establishments. All had at least daily taxi pick up and delivery, when not black car.

If she was that successful, instead of flaunting her wealth to but an expensive car, why was she not being treated like a big earner by her, ehem, company?

I mean, usually tages make sure this kind of incident is promptly swept under the rug.

Judges seem to have a different idea on getting tough. On the news last night was helmet cam from a scooter cop pulling over what looked like a Porche SUV. Driver refused to open the doors, got into the back seat, put on a set of headphones and went to sleep. Was initially fined 90K for drinking and driving however this was overturned as there was no evidence. Based on the ruling it’s now perfectly legal to lock your doors and pretend to sleep when pulled over…Taiwan Up!

Thats cause he’s in a Porsche.
Do that in your Toyota yaris and they’ll be smashing the windows to get you out.


That story sounds like an Arrested Development episode.

Although it does seem that he pulled over to avoid being caught driving over the limit, the article states that Liu was not pulled over by the police. He himself stopped and parked before the checkpoint (albeit in an illegal parking zone).

The article also states: “…there was no legal basis to suspect that Liu was driving under the influence, as his conduct before parking exhibited no signs that might be a danger to others, such as zigzagging or driving at abnormal speeds” so I guess legally there was no probable cause to get him to take the test.

Although it seems ballsy to not open the car door when the police come a-knockin, what if he was in his house? If the police have no probable cause, they can’t just bust your door down if you don’t want to answer.

If the story is accurate then I can see the court ruling this way, based on current law.

EDIT: Since he was in an illegal parking zone, could the police have towed his car while he was still inside, if he refused to come out? I’m curious about that.

In the USA if you are behind the wheel even if stopped you can be arrested for DUI.
Actually some states if you are in the car anywhere, with the keys in your pocket you can be arrested for DUI.

Problem is he didn’t get out of the car so there was no way to prove he was over the limit.

Cops would have come over to his car demanded to see his drivers license
Suspect he is drunk and ordered him out of the car

Taiwan needs to amend its laws pertaining to this situ

He didn’t get out, One Version of the truth here

And and this means that anyone who is drunk or thinks he may be over the limit can “upon seeing that there is a road check up ahead” , stop his vehicle and lock himself in the vehicle and avoid the check and avoid any punishment.

This is not how it should work.

This does not constitute a deterrent against drunk driving.

The laws need to be changed.

In the USA, if this were to happen, the police are within their rights to demand identification upon suspicion the driver may be drunk. And if refused can proceed to extract the person or persons from the car.

You can’t just drink drunk, come upon a drink driving check and escape any inspection by simply parking your car (even illegally) and locking your door.

He should have been forced out of his car and taken to the fuzz shop and analysed for alchohol .

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I feel the court’s logic is incorrect. When anyone reaches the police checkpoint the police use their judgement to ask for alcohol level test. At that point there is usually no strange driving pattern detected…only the actions of the driver and scent of alcohol.

If the accused driver drove up to the checkpoint and pulled the same stunt (parking and not obeying police commands) would the police be able to fine him? Is not the actions of the driver an indication of possible alcohol intake meaning the police may requests an alcohol test?

I seem to remember many a drunk driver sitting in their car only to be seen by police and asked to get out of car. Why in this case may the police not ask a illegally parked car owner to exit the vehicle?


Yes indeed , the judge may be wanting to use this loophole that he created himself.

It is a wonderful loophole. See a police check for drunk driving? Just park, even illegally and lock your doors and refuse to get out or talk to the police.

This news should travel around the world. Brilliant loophole for drunks.

I suspect in the USA, it will not go down well for the driver. Some will be shot in their seats.