UBike engineer charged

Wow, this is kind of weird

I can’t really tell if he’s being charged for a deliberate DOS action, or just incompetence.

Holy cow, if they start locking guys up for being crap engineers, things are going to get mighty lonesome around the office here …

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The indictment said the computer engineer, identified only by his surname Liao (廖), was involved in using malware to paralyze the system during an update.

They’re translating 涉及 as involvement, which is correct, but it’s, you know… :bowing:

I don’t think he needed to resort to DOS attack. He was the engineer writing the code, so he simply hid a code comb inside the source code. It’s kind of silly because there aren’t that many engineers working at the company, and the police sort of just asked “who has the ability to do this” and that was it.

Right, so they’re acting on the assumption that it was deliberate?

The media is saying Liao did it to get back at his boss for deriding him.

At quite a few places in Taiwan actually…