Wasps and where to buy that foam asphyxiation spray

Anyone know where I might be able to buy foam spray that kills wasps from 10ft?

I had a 8cm paper wasp nest on my balcony. So I called the estate agent, who brought her handyman over who then proceeded to knock the nest off into next door’s balcony, I imagine my neighbours just love me…
Quelle surprise, this did not solve the problem. They are simply building a new nest and if anything it is worse than before, given that they are now constantly flying around for nest-building materials.

I’ve seen videos on the internet where most of the wasps just dropped dead when sprayed with a foamy spray, and this spray can go over 10ft!
I need this stuff!
Anyone know where I can find it? Or the kind of store that might sell it? I’ve been to supermarkets but they do not.


Can’t you get the handyman round again? But film him working this time, I could do with a laugh.

Could you post a picture of the product or provide a link?

In the end, I called 119. I imagine that if I called the emergency services in the UK, they would tell me to stop wasting their time, but here they sent two 20-year olds straight over in a full-size fire truck with the siren on. Admittedly, all they did was spray the hell out of them with an aerosol and chuck water at them, but the problem is more or less solved, so I am not complaining.

So for anyone else with a wasp nest, just call the fire department!

FWIW in my first aid hiking kit I carry a Sawyer extractor from REI. In my experience tiger head bees/ hornets are a problem in the mountains. I’m more afraid of them than snakes. They tend to build nests under roofs so I always look around before sitting at a pagoda.

Now is the time of year for them too, but it should be fine with three typhoons in a month. Hualien is getting kicked pretty hard right now so no worries this season! It was going to be a bad one too, there were already two late summer hives of tiger heads in my neighborhood.