WCIF A washing machine detergent that works?

Eh guys how many of you clean/disinfect the washing machine?

Modern machines have a cycle for that. Older ones you just have to devote an hour or two to pressing buttons. But regular cleaning makes all the difference in how your clothes come out.

Oh and first empty the lint filters. Don’t let them get yucky.

Back in the day it was used with detergent. “Whiter whites, brighter brights!” (not the Calgon slogan)

Also, I was trying to be clever and reference an old commercial. Alas, the moment has passed.

We run a cycle with Detol and old towels. Seems to work. Used to use bleach, but would have to run an extra clean water cycle and dry out the basin to make sure the bleach was out. Detol is easier and does not smell as harsh, IMHO.

I used Detol a lot, especially after my operation. Baking soda and vinegar also helps. But for the washing machine they sell those powders for the inside of the machine, between the tank and the outer shell. I have seen the gunk that lies in there, ain’t pretty.

And please stop using bleach. It might be necessary in Latin America and tropical places where we have 100 trillion bacteria more per square inch than here. But in Taiwan it is just one more cancer producing chemical. It is bad for pets and the environment too.

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Oh your talking about that area. I am sorry. I thought it was the basin.

For that, myself, I would just call someone. I am too old and too lazy to embark on such adventures.

The machine has a setting. Pour powder, close I se lid, wait two hours. Do the towel cycle and voila, good as new.

Same here, I also think many of the machines sold in Taiwan (cheaper Taiwan models) just swish the clothes around a bit but nothing ever comes clean. Good for removing the smell only really

I don’t think they even remove bad smells…

Thats why everyone has been avoiding me.

You don’t have to tell us your job if you don’t want to, but
. . . do you work on a farm? . . . a tannery? . . . or is it something to do with fish?

Time to stop blamin’ the Japanese models.
That’s probly just you gettin’ bigger.

Do the amah thing, use a 'washing board 'to do a pre-wash!



Sorry. I also have the Samsung with cool air dyer. Much better, no chance for shrinking.

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It has everything to do with the lack of hot water…you want to get out food stains, sex stains etc., you need hot water. Washing in cold will not get out the tough stains.

On the other hand, basically the entire island is making do and their clothes look clean enough to me. Not like people are walking around covered in food and sex stains. These people are slopping down noodles and stuff all the time and have a lot of sex too.

Are you kidding?..the jungle smells from the MRT are a mix of the bordello, boudoir, and stinky tofu.:laughing:

I can smell people when the elevator door opens and they’ll got out 3 hours ago.

Anyways, hydrogen peroxide is a good thing to have.

Amen. Kids these days !! Besides the people you could meet at the riverbank while bangin em clothes whiter then white.

To be honest, the very best washing machine thang I ever had was this German machine I got in Taiwan (still there). Was incredible. It was a cold water wash, took about 90 mins to complete a wash. Was small enough to fit in the bathroom and was incredible. It was a top loader but a spin thingy. Super cool Miss that machine.

You never had to wash your collars or shirtsleeve ends before putting in the machine. Any kind of detergent you wanted to use. You can see how dirty the water came out even when the clothes appear to be clean when you put them in.

NEver seen a better machine.

I bought orange tubing (any hardware store) and ran hot water into my machine as needed. Helped with collars and whites.

I have actually reverted to the same practice lol. Great minds…