WCIF Mullein, raspberry, lavender plants?

Looking to grow these and possibly some other plants. If you know of any good nurseries, let me know!

There are some plants markets, their Chinese names are something meaning flower markets, but they sell plants.

There are some threads on this topic in this forum. Do topic search if you wouldn’t get more detailed replies.

Various lavenders are available at the Jianguo flower market. Raspberry also (occasionally) but in my experience it just doesn’t fruit here.

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That’s fine, I want it for the leaves anyway.

oh ok. It grows luxuriantly, so no problem there.

The most common one on offer at the flower market seems to be the American ‘black raspberry’, which again grows happily enough but doesn’t fruit. It tends to send out trailing stems rather than straight-up canes, so it’ll need space to sprawl.

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