What are live-in 24/7 care workers paid?

I am trying to hire a live-in care worker. Does anyone know what the going rate is for a young care worker from the Philippines or Indonesia?

Rate depends on what the agency charges you, but average is 20 something K, of which the worker sees like 2K a year if lucky.

Most importantly, are you an ROC citizen? At least married to a ROC citizen. That is the first requiste. Do you have a handicapped or elderly relative/babies? The need dictates whether the government will allow you to hire one. No, it is not a free market. That is why so many human rights organizations complain about it.

If you are a foreigner, you have to be top tier expat salary, not middle class white collar.

Sure, you can hire illegally. And you can also be fined heavily, at least.

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Yes my wife is taiwanese and is terminally ill and will be the one to sign the contract.

No problem then. Now you need government authorization and you are good to go. Household office should take care of that.