Where are Trump's Tax returns?

How will the U.S. be in a better place if Trump does release his tax records?

I ask because the old gal losing the election saved the Dems from having 4 years of Clinton bullshittery coming out every day and the U.S. would be in greater turmoil.

Thread title.
Trump tax returns.

Stick to it.

I see that you are. I’m asking why?

It wouldn’t. But it would put Brian in a slightly better headspace…if it was bad news for Trump, that is.

It never ends with the Democrats, all this because their chosen one didn’t win an election. An election where virtually everyone in the MSM was shilling for her, foreign governments teaming up to set up the Trump team as Russian stooges.

Then had a bullshit investigation for 2 and a half years based on their own bullshit, leaking like sieves to the complicit media working 24/7 hysterically screaming “OrangeManBad”, over 500 interviews. Swat teams and helicopter reality TV raids with notice to CNN on a 70 year old in his dressing gown.

So Trump’s had it with Congress who apparently are also after Tiffany’s credit card receipts and is telling them to GTFO of here. Can’t say I blame him.

Congress want’s to see his tax returns. Give a good reason for them to see them. Can you @Brianjones give a good reason why Congress should see them?

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Idk, the vast majority of Dems I know were extremely nonplussed about HRC’s nomination. yeah Trump winning was a blow, but nobody I knew liked Hilary, save for a few old-timers. Of course my sample size was small.

The fact that he won’t show them is reason enough to want to see them.

" Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say."


That’s playground logic.

I agree, putting Hillary Clinton forward as the chosen one was particularly tone deaf of the Democrats.

Yeah, it’s a good reason to want to see them. Like I said I think we all know what’s in them, i.e. he doesn’t pay taxes. Not a legal basis for Congress demanding them, or saying you have the right to see them. That will go to the courts, my guess lower courts will say “yes, need to show” it will be appealed and the Supreme court will eventually say “no”.

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It just seems so lazy to focus on his tax returns when there are plenty of issues he’s working on that could be focused on.

I guess trade with China would take too much research in order to have a point to pound?

I said want, not a legal basis for. No need to be patronizing.
I guess you have no curiosity then?

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Not really. His returns are probably a mess, or maybe he isn’t paying much. I see no evidence that his finances are affecting his performance as president. If I did, I may be a little more interested.

Title of the thread,.Stick to it :slight_smile:

*For what it’s worth Trump is doing a good job sticking it to China with the tariffs. Certain personalities are suited to that game. Helps when you have the world’s most lucrative market in your back pocket. No brainer.

Atta boy!

There is some truth but I think ultimately most people are concerned with corruption, compromises, back door deals for any politician.
The Hunter Biden stuff is interesting and the tidbit of mitch mcconnell’s sister in law being on the board of BOC.

But both sides often don the blinders.

So do you think that Trump’s tax returns, if released, could prove whether he’s corrupt, has made back door deals, or is compromised? Do you think they could prove that he’s not corrupt, not compromised, and has not made any back door deals? Do you think this information could be gleaned from Trump’s form 1040’s?

Do you think there’s any possibility that his political opponents would instantly move the goalposts and demand more personal information?

Yes to all of your questions.

If he and his team would be more transparent there would be less liberal heads exploding and therefore theoretically less headaches for all involved.
If this is just him keeping his opponents off balance and distracted, then okay fine, what a strategy, but it does the entire country a disservice and everybody ends up looking bad.

I think Trump said he is audited every year, so I guess we’ll never see recent returns.

You being a news junkie I assume saw the nytimes article a few months ago looking at the long ago history how Trump and his father essentially frauded the American government for millions of dollars during the transfer of wealth.
I don’t think people are concerned with Trump not paying any taxes but how he might arrive at that.

I think the problem many have is the audacity of it all. It’s gonna go to the supreme court. But then I guess audacity is in the eye of the beholder.

Based on his term to date, I’m not sure more transparency would prevent any liberal heads exploding. In theory I agree, but I doubt the actual result.

Since before even Lee Atwater’s time, there has grown up a cottage industry around each President, an industry devoted to exposing whoever’s in the WH as a fraud and a criminal (this is partly because POTUS has traditionally attracted men who are in fact seeking some level of public redemption for their previous lives).

For example, as soon as Bush 43 was inaugurated Dem activists like Josh Marshall and Kevin Drum began their mostly bogus attempts to deny Bush a second term. Same with Brietbart and RedState in 2008, targeting Obama.

For the first time we have the MSM joining this effort, and all because they can’t wrap their heads around Trump. Trump is Trump; more transparency is not going to make Trump more palatable to the likes of NYT (I don’t read their opinion pieces anymore, fyi), WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, and the usual suspects.

He was already judged by voters on breaking his promise, and won election anyway. The effect of releasing his tax returns now on the MSM and it’s far-left versions is to candidate clarity as tossing chum to sharks is to water clarity. He’s already been judged by those who vote. I don’t think there’s any reason for Trump to open a vein and wade into shark infested waters at this time.


I’d love to see a law where everyone in high office - without exception - has all his tax returns made available to the public.

More privacy for private citizens, but more transparency for public figures. Balance out the power that way.

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