Where Do Soybeans for Taiwan Tofu/Doufu/豆腐 Come From?

Show on travel channel says most Taiwan soybeans including the ones that are the source of the Shenkang area (深坑區 ) stinky tofu/chou dofu/臭豆腐 come from USA. True not true?

Bizarre foods with Andrew Zimmern.

Yes, most of the soybeans for eating is imported. With the US leading in that category. Apparently a result of the generalissimo

I live in Taiwan. I work with Taiwanese-Americans. I am married to one. And, it appears, a good part of my diet is also Taiwanese-American.

For your information,

Taiwan’s food self-sufficiency rate was 34.1 percent in 2014.
That means… only 34 % of food served in Taiwan is grown on the island.


And here is the joke heard in the countryside… (not confirmed numbers)

90% of the US soybean is GMO
Taiwan imports 90% of its soybean
But of course not the GMO

Taiwan is also a fishless island according to the government organization responsible for such things Taiwan the "fishless" island

It’s weird that Taiwan exports edamame to Japan, but that means people do grow soybean here…

US, Australia, Brazil, Canada.

Local organic soybeans available here

有機台灣黃豆 140$

US organic soybeans 80$

I vaguely remember hearing that the bulk of the rice grown here is exported, as well?

Seems USA is 2nd worldwide in exports, so makes sense it the leading source country. Argentina has 39% of export market, with USA and Brasil, these 3 nations are 80% of the exporters.

One interesting fact I found about Soy Beans, FORD (Henry) had Soy Car, using plastic produced form Soy. Something that may be useful today as it’s ultra light weight: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soybean_car

Soy grows here a lot. To understand food production in Taiwan, a person will first begin with realestate, prices, immigration related stuff and business. Land in Canada and USA are pennies to dollar compared to taiwan. And taiwan is way far beyond overpopulated and under educated to be close to sustainable. Food security here is a relatively large worry. I’m glad I’m in he agriculture biz, but admittedly anything if quality I export too…Tiny market here for high end healthy stuff, but it’s changing somewhat quickly.

The answer is, now and as it always has and forever will be, Monsanto.

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