Why are they asking me to do this?

[quote=“Ovechkin”]they’re not asking me to pay a penalty straight out, but it doesnt make sense to have such a detailed resignation notice. i sent them a notice simply stating that 30 days from now, i wont be working there. they want me to add a reason why im leaving, and that im not teaching my scheduled summer classes and that someone is replacing me. why do they need all that? seems to me like they want evidence of some sort to pursue a penalty.

my old school is definitely not doing me a favor. in terms of adding a school, I would be taking a full time teaching position so I don’t think my new school is trying to just simply be added, not enough hours left on my ARC to just add. i can check with them though.

in regards to my situation, would I need to contact CLA or immigration?[/quote]
There are a couple of very useful summaries on Tealit about canceling contracts, the amount of notice required by law, and the easiest way to transition from one job to another without having to leave the country.

Leaving a job. This article details the amount of notice required by law to terminate a contract, which is based on how long you’ve been there. If your contract with the employer requires more than this, then you would probably need to follow that.

Adding a Second Job & Changing Jobs Toward the bottom of the page, there is a link for the standard Cancel Contract Agreement written by the CLA. Personally, this is the only document I’d be willing to sign. The reason for leaving is no one’s business.